Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Monday, August 5, 2024

I'm Still Alive!


I know that's it's been awhile 

since my last post.

I've received a few emails

from blogging friends 

wondering if I was okay. 

That's the reason I'm posting today. 


I'm fine, but I've been going through 

the loss of two family members

 and as of yesterday five friends.

 They all happened within 4 weeks

 of each other.

These sunflower photos were taken

 while Beulah and I walked through

 a sunflower maze at a local farm last week.

I purchased this box of blueberries 

 that day and went home 

and put 42 cups of blueberries in the freezer.

This was a experiment

 that I did making zucchini bread. 

I used my regular zucchini bread recipe

 only I omitted the sugar and instead

 added salt and pepper, 

dried tomatoes from last year's garden

 along with fresh basil, oregano and chives

 from this year's garden.

It was quite tasty.

These beautiful eggplants

 are also from my garden this year.

My blackberries are also starting to come on

 so far I've put three quarts in the freezer.

They make a great pie ☺️

I want to thank those of you that emailed me, concerned about why I haven't been blogging, that was very thoughtful. Sometimes life just takes us away from the fun things, like blogging.  

I truly appreciate all of my blogging friends. 

So until next time 

God bless you all. 

Your blogging sister Connie

P.S. I'm doing this post on my phone that's something I don't believe I've ever done before I hope it turns out all right.


  1. Oh Connie, I feel terrible. I was away from blogland for almost a month too and so I didn't even know that you hadn't been here. That is a lot of friends and family members to lose in such a short time. I'm going to add you to my prayer list for comfort and peace. I know that the Lord is with you and you feel Him close to you.
    Your harvest is looking wonderful, (even the purchased blueberries!). The bread looks and sounds delicious. My Piper entered her home baked foccacia bread in the county fair last week and it won a purple ribbon. She got 7 purple ribbons total and 4 blue ribbons. She's going to State with three of her projects! We're very proud of her.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. So good to see you here today Connie. And what a lovely photo too. Your garden produce is doing so well, and oh, those blackberries! Mine has produced two so far!

  3. I am so sorry for your losses. I am praying, for comfort, for you and the families of those who have passed.

    Grace & Peace,

  4. Hello. I am sorry for the losses you are mourning. Prayers for peace and cmfort. I so enjoyed your beautiful bounty! We used to have blackberry bushes, and I always froze some for Madison's birthday pie in November!

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss of friends and family members. As we get older it seems no week goes by without sad news of yet another death.
    Your garden seems to be doing well with vegetables and lovely flowers. This is a fantastic year for blueberries here in the Fraser Valley. So much so that the price has been lowered to $1.50 a lb due to the overabundance. Needless to say our freezers are being filled.
    I love the photo of you. You look as beautiful as ever. I'd love to have tea with you one day but I think that will have to wait for heaven.

  6. I'm so sorry. What a terrible time you are having. I hope you are comforted to know that your blogging friends care about you. I'm glad you have some happy memories.
    That eggplant looks amazing!

  7. Nice to see a post from you but so sorry to hear of the loss of friends and family members. That's a lot to deal with in such a short time. Love the sunflowers and all the flowers are so pretty.

  8. So sorry to hear you've had so many losses in such a short amount of time. It had to have been a bit overwhelming.
    As usual all the flowers and harvested goods look awesome.

  9. I'm sorry to hear of your losses Connie. I pray that God gives you strength to get through these times. Hugz Mxx

  10. Hi Conie! Nice to see you again. I'm so sorry about all the losses you've been dealing with.
    Your produce looks great!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear what you have been going through, losing family members and friends too over such a short span of time. Sending you loving thoughts and hugs.

  12. I am so sorry for these losses in your life, Connie - especially so many in a small time frame. Heartbreaking. I hope that between your faith, love and support from family and friends, walks in nature, gardening, baking, and creating all help ease your pain a bit. Your plants, produce and baking are all beautiful!

  13. Connie, I’ve slowed down a lot on blogging. However, today something told me to stop by Crafty Home Cottage. I’m so glad I did. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of family and friends. But it delights me to hear you are okay! It seems hearing something about Eastern Washington often makes me think about you and wonder how you are doing. I enjoyed all your photos and, yes, your phone post turned out very well. Thank you, Connie, for posting and God bless you. Your friend on the Western side, 😊 John

  14. I'm very sorry you've had so many losses this summer. It really does take a lot out of you. Happy to hear from you and know you are OK. Sweet hugs, Diane

  15. So sorry to hear about your losses.Very happy to read your post. Take care of yourself and be well♥

  16. It's hard to lose so many dear people in such a short time. May God give you his comfort and grace. You look wonderful in the photo at the top with your lovely smile. Blueberries are in the freezer here, too, and I'm watching the blackberries as it's almost time to pick them.

  17. Oh Connie... I'm so sorry for your losses. It would be very hard to lose so many in such a short time. My heart is with you and praying for you to have strength and peace with it all. I know that's hard to feel in the moment. I too was worrying about you and wondering where you were! Love your photo.. you look darling as usual! The photos are beautiful and the blackberries so pretty. I finally have some around where I live.. and I'm counting the days until I can start picking! My neighbors have blueberry bushes so I picked enough for about 12 one to two cup servings in freezer baggies. So will have lots of muffins and pancakes! Your savory bread looks interesting...... and bet it's good with some butter when it's warm. Take care of yourself, and wrap yourself in a snuggly, comforting blanket, and rest up and let God comfort you...... love always.. Marilyn

  18. So sorry to hear of all your losses and so close together, may God grant you peace and comfort. Looks like you have been keeping busy with your garden and fruits you have picked up, this time of year is so busy with outdoor things.
    You did a great job on the blog with your phone, I haven't attempted to try that myself.

  19. Connie, you always have the most beautiful pictures but then that's the way things look around your home. I am so sorry for your losses. That is such a good picture of you! I love it! We got a few blackberries this summer but none as pretty as yours. Don't know why none of my plants, fruits, vegetables, or flowers do really good here. I think we left about 100 too many trees when we built the house. :)

  20. Oh Connie, so sorry for the losses you've been through. Such a difficult season. So wonderful to put up berries for the winter! My raspberries have been amazing this year. Glad that you are doing well, and so good to get an update from you!
