Friday, March 8, 2013

Decorating for Easter & Spring

I've been busy today . . . seeing just what I could do
 to lighten up the the living-room and entry . . . 
to say Spring, and not Winter :)




Do you remember my sheet music Christmas wreath . . .
Well, with a little tweaking I think it will look pretty for Spring.
What do you think?



This is the mirror in the entry.
I found out it was a little bit tricky getting a photo,
that didn't have my reflection in it, LOL.



This was what my second hand bird cage 
looked like last night.


I found this little gem at the local Goodwill :)


A little flat white spray paint and . . .
Voila!  Shabby Chic & looking like Spring :)


Thanks so much for visiting.
I hope that there was something in this post 
that maybe was of some inspiration.


Have a lovely day
do come visit often . . .
My Welcome Mat is Always Out


P.S.  My sweet husband is a very handy fellow to have around.

 Please enter through these doors,
by clicking this link:
and take a look at the Outdoor Kitchen he created 
for our family entertaining.
You just might get some ideas, to add to you "Honey-Do-List"' LOL.


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  1. A lovely transformation of your entry, from Winter to make it look so easy. Thanks for the tips.

    I went over to see your hubby's handywork..Wow, what and outdoor kitchen, there isn't anything you can't cook out there!

    1. Hi Sherri, thank you for the sweet compliment. Yes, we have a lot of fun entertaining in our backyard, and we do like to eat, LOL.

  2. Hi Connie! Gosh it seems like a long time since we have talked!!! I love your finds and redos, you always have such good taste. And the sheet music is great for Easter!! I wish you would have shown yourself in the mirror! I like to show just a bit of me when I do this. Also it is too hard not to! Your husband is amazing, that he built the whole awesome thing!!!! And the whirligigs are beyond cute!! Does he sell them? And he cooks too? You are very blessed!

    1. Hi Ginny, I am blessed . . . I have a wonderful husband. The only thing that would make him better, is if he enjoyed cleaning up the mess he makes when he cooks, LOL. I love him and wouldn't trade him for the moon.
      He has not sold any of his handy work . . . he just makes things for the people he loves, especially his granddaughters :) Maybe after he retires, he'll want to try selling them. Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Oh quelle jolie fotos et tous est tres jolie et le lapin est tres mignon aussi !! :0)
    Je visitée le blog de votre marie !! Il est tres bien!! ;0) Et il a tres bien fait chez vous tous !!

    Merci de nous le montrée!!

    Bonne fête des femmes!! :0)

    Bonne semaine!!

    xxx Maria xxx

  4. Your spring look is lovely and I am in awe of your outdoor space. I'd never in a million years be able to persuade my OH to do anything as brilliant!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and for leaving this very sweet comment. You're a sweetie pie :)

  5. Wow, you got some good finds! And your wreath and everything looks lovely, as usual!

    1. Thanks Dorthy . . . I agree, these are pretty cool finds. Thrifting is funny that way, sometimes you have great days, then you'll go a month or two and not find anything you like. That's what makes it so fun . . . the never knowing what's around the next corner :) Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Connie- It is looking Springy and wonderful at your house. I love everything you have done and the white paint really makes everything pop. Fun photographing mirrors, isn't it? xo Diana

    1. Hi Diana, it is always a pleasure to see you . . . white paint can make a huge different :) . . . Isn't it fun!

  7. Hi Connie, I love your music wreath! Did you take a piece of music and run off copies for it? What did you use for a base? Your bird cage turned out lovely painted. I have one that has no bottom I found at an antique shop. Am trying to decide what to do with it this year. I would love to be a follower of your blog and you mine if you will tell me exactly how this non-tech person should do it! Thanks for visiting my blog and hope you'll come again. We live near Chesterton and moved here from Michigan about 10 years ago. Nancy

    1. Hi Nancy, Thanks for this warm and friendly comment. I have sent you an email with information so that you can visit my tutorial post on making this wreath. Have fun, Connie :)

  8. Your decorating has lifted my spirits. I love the bunny with the basket in his lap- very cute. And I love the outdoor kitchen- way cool!

  9. Connie, I like the make over on the treasures you found. The wreath is so sweet. Loved it. Enjoy thie great weekend. xoxo,Susie

    1. Hi Susie we had a wonderful weekend. It was my sister's birthday and my brother from Oregon and his wife drove up for the weekend . . . it was a lovely laid back visit. It's always fun to get together. I'm the baby in the family and this weekend I heard stories about myself that I had never heard before. Stories that I was too young to remember. Things that happened while I was under 5 years old . . . very interesting :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by . . . I hope that you're weekend was a nice one, too. Connie :)

  10. Hi Connie,
    Looks like you're all set for Easter/Spring. Your home looks just lovely. I haven't put out any of my Spring decor but seeing your cute vignettes has inspired me to do so :-) I'm so looking forward to Spring time. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


    1. Hello Ana, Spring is just around the corner . . . I think that we are all looking forward to her arrival.
      Thanks so much for popping in and I am delighted if I could inspire you to start thinking spring decor :)
      Have fun! Connie :)

  11. Amen! He is surely risen :)!
    Lovely bird cage. The Eiffel tower is much more "easter" painted white. You did a lovely job as usual.


    1. Hello Maria, thank you so much . . . it is always a pleasure to hear from you :)

  12. Very pretty, Connie. I used to have some old bird houses and seeing yours, I wish that I still did.

    Kathy M.

    1. Hi Kathy, doesn't it seem that every time we get rid of something . . . a week or so later we see an idea that we could have done with it :)
      Maybe whoever has your birdcages now, will use them to decorate their home :)
      I hope that your weekend was a great one.
      Connie :)

  13. Connie, I love your Easter and Spring decorations, particularly the revamped wreath. it looks wonderful. I love the eggs in the bottom of the bird cage as well.
    I thought Spring had sprung here but now we are expecting snow again!

    1. Hi Jackie, March weather can be so unpredictable . . . We may have to wait for April to really feel the warmth of Spring :) Thank you for your lovely and sweet comment, Connie :)

  14. Beautiful and light for spring decorating! Doesn't a can of white spray paint magically transform just about anything?! I am going to check out the link you provided to see your husband's handywork now...looks like it's going to be amazing!

    1. Hi Melanie, it is absolutely great to see your smiling face . . . thanks for the kind words and for visiting Steve's blog. He doesn't get many visitors and he gets so excited when he does. :) He's still a new-bee to blogging.

  15. I love decorating for Easter and Spring. I'm just planning my dining room table centrepiece. Your vignette looks gorgeous and love all your secondhand finds.
    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia, when I get caught up from this weekend, I'll be over to visit. Today is going to be busy with paper work at the licensing department ( we bought a new (old) boat, so we have paper work to file on it, and Monday is always my major laundry day.
      Maybe my the time I visit, you'll have your Spring decorating started :)
      Have a lovely day. Connie :)

  16. so many treasure, I am now in the mood for spring!!!
    Thank you for following me!!!

    1. Hi Peggy, you are very welcome for the follow :)

  17. Your spring decoration looks gorgeous!
    We are waiting to "wake up" here where I live - no sign of spring yet, it's so cold here still :(

    Have a sunny week!

    1. Hi Gaby, Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment. I'm sorry to hear that your Spring weather is slow in getting there. It is still cold here, but we are having some sunny days and the sunshine feels so good after a long gray winter. I wish I could send you some :)

  18. Everything looks so fresh and springy! I love the paper wreath, especially the embellishments. You are one talented lady!
