Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Welcome To Our Red-Neck Hot Tub

Welcome to our Red-Neck Hot Tub. 
It actually does not contain hot water,
 but instead it is a cool place to unwind 
on a hot summer day . . . and they are coming :)

If you are limited in space and like a pool for cooling off, 
this is a great idea.
At least we sure enjoy it.

Steve has cut a hole in the side 
and we have it hooked up to a small pool filter.
That roll of canvas along the back, 
rolls out to keep it clean of leaves and dust.

If you have not recognized the tub, 
it is a stock tank.
They are very sturdy, with a five year warranty 
made for cattle kicking it and fighting for a shared drink.
The lanterns hanging over the top are solar powered, 
so no mix of electricity and water,
and that little wooden star,  
I picked it up at a yard sale in LaGrande.
I think it is the perfect place for a candle. 

In this photo you can see the air conditioner to Steve's shop.
I've done a lot to camouflage it,

 and as the vines grow, it will be well hidden :)

These pots are hiding the pump.

We like to sit out here on warm summer nights
 and watch for shooting stars.
It makes a fun retreat for grand-kids, too.
This area is fenced in and has a trellis and gate to go through to enter.
It's a little private serene area to relax.

A little bit too hokey for some folks . . .
but it fits us to a tea :)

Have a great week

visit Steve's blog to see the progress on Gypsy Rose.
We have been sanding, taping and painting.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, it is very relaxing on a hot summer day or night.
      I'm delighted you like it :)

  2. This is awesome, I love everything about it!!! It is like a magic land, never land. I love the flower beds around it (and how cool is that, when the kids really splash, they get watered!) the wooden slat steps path, and the colorful lanterns. MAGIC! As to the air conditioner, I cannot even find it.

    1. Good Morning Ginny, you are such a sweet blogging friend.
      I'm happy that you like our little red-neck hot tub area :)

  3. Hi Connie - Thankyou so much for leaving kind comments on my blog. They are very much appreciated. The real joy was finding your blogs and even more you profile which is the most positive and joyful one I have ever read!! I live just about far away from the Pacfic north-west coast that is possible on this planet (south-western Australia) but I have travelled from Seattle along the slow routes to Los Angeles and I loved it a lot. Your red neck tub is a hoot and your garden and flowers are gorgeous.
    I would love to see a video of you singing your songs! Do you have any on YouTube or anywhere else that your Blog fans can tune in to? If so, drop me a line at moom@iinet.net.au
    Cheers from Marie, also known as Ozstuff, in Perth, Western Australia.

    1. Good morning Marie, thank you for this lovely comment. I feel as if I know you even better, now. I have been a huge fan of your blog for sometime now and enjoy being a follower. Your art is amazing.
      No, I do not have a you tube video, maybe someday. You Tube is a huge audience, the biggest audience that i've ever player for is at our county fair, and farmer's market. I don't think I'm ready for the whole world, LOL.

  4. Evening Connie, I love the creativity you and Steve have!! Red Neck Hot Tub is adorable! I could see myself in there in moments notice! It looks so inviting and Fun for the family. I like the idea of the candle and seeing the shooting stars....you have thought of everyone! Blessings and a wonderful week to ya! (thanks for the sweet comments on my Mother....I loved it and got a tickle from it!!) Roxie

    1. Good morning Roxie, it always makes me smile when I see that you have visited. You are a dear sweet friend and such a positive influence in my day. Those photos on your Mother's Day post were a treasure :)

  5. Hi Connie, I absolutely love this tub!!! Perfect for hot days.

  6. Not hokey at all - I love it! It's like a grown-up's kiddie pool, lol. Your yard with all the decor and plants is beautiful. :-)

    1. Hi Melanie, great to see you. So you don't think it's hokey :) I was a little bit afraid to see what kind of reaction this post would bring, on one hand, on the other hand, I feel comfortable enough in my life style to not care. Some folks would think this pretty tacky . . . but we love it and I am so happy that you do, too :)

  7. I love it! What an awesome idea! And, I love all the loving and cute touches in your yard. Looks so fun, cozy and inviting.

    1. Thank you so much! I was not sure, what kind of reaction this post might bring :)

  8. What a cute pool Connie. Love the clematis(?) purple flower- vine.

    1. Good Morning, I love that clematis, too. I have two others, one outside your bedroom window and one on the front lawn fence, but they are just starting to bud. I was happy that this one decided to bloom early for my photos :)

  9. Hi Connie - I adore your red neck hot tub, what a fab idea - so much fun:)
    Have a lovely day my friend,

    1. Good Morning Anya, thank you . . . we do enjoy our hokey red-neck retreat :)

  10. I would absolutely love to do something like that, so you have a problem with mosquitos breeding or does the filter take care of that problem?

    1. We are very fortunate to have a county that controls the mosquitoes very well. I've never gotten bit, even on the lake (knock on wood). I keep a little chlorine in the water, so I'm sure that would prevent it if we did have mosquitoes :) Thanks so much for visiting, I love company :)

  11. How cool! I love to see what others get up to at home, I dreamt that we had a sunken hottub..but realised it was just our pond!! Now we need some warmer weather x

    1. I've seen your pond and it is lovely. We had a warm spell last week, but this week it has cooled back down. I enjoy the heat of summer and easily see why people move to places where it is summer all year round. Then again I think that I might miss the seasonal changes. My, do I ramble on . . . thanks for visiting and do come again :)

  12. Very clever, Connie! I love it! I also love how you've decorated the area and made it a very inviting spot to retreat, too. It must be wonderful to sit in on those hot days, enjoying the flowers and all your pretty touches.

    1. Good Morning Kathy, and thank you, I am delighted that you like my little hokey space :)

  13. Replies
    1. Good Morning Beth, and thank you so much :) It's our version of the old country swimming hole :)

  14. Gorgeous spot to relax....hope the warm weather is with you soon. xx

    1. Hi Bron, we had that lovely warm weather last week, but this week it is on vacation. The thing is around here, when it gets hot, it really gets hot, so we'll be using our little swimming hole a lot :).

  15. Sadly we never get any days that are so hot that we would need to dunk in a tub full of cold water here in UK!!!!

    1. Hello Anne, I do enjoy the hot weather, and wish that I could invite you over for a hot summer afternoon dip :)

  16. I see a lot of similarity in our lives. Did you know you have word verification you can shut off on your blog?

    1. You know I thought that it was shut off . . . I followed the steps ???????????? Or at least I thought that I did:) Thanks for stopping by.

  17. I am delighted that you like it :)

  18. We never get hot enough to need cooling off. The ocean in our part of the coast stays low 60 most of the summer.

    1. Oh, that is probably why your flowers always look so pretty and fresh, the moisture from the ocean mists and rains, and cool temperatures to keep them from drying and cooking in the hot sun :) My brother used to live at Oceanside, CA . . . seemed like you could drop a seed anywhere and it would take root and be beautiful :) That's why some people refer to CA as paradise :) Have a lovely day, and thanks so much for stopping by.

  19. I love our back yard. There is something for everyone, but my barbecue kitchen is my favorite. I came by to check out Connie's comments, because she got a comment about word verification being on. So here goes, we'll see if it comes up for me, and maybe we can figure out how to turn it off again. XXX Steve

    1. Thanks for doing this for me, sweetie pie. Steve says, that the word verification didn't come on, but the "your comment will be visible after approval" came on. That's what I want . . . it eliminates anonymous comments being published :) I can choose to read them, but I do not have to publish them . . . it leaves the choice to me :)

  20. Oh my goodness Connie I LOVE this.
    Your yard is gorgeous. Honestly this is like my dream garden.
    Could you come and visit and help me with my garden.
    I really am in awe of this and love your hot/cool tub ;)

    1. Hi Tracy, there is nothing that I would like more . . . if it weren't for the miles apart in our locations. It is always fun digging in another person garden. It's like washing another woman's dishes . . . it never seems like the chore that it feels like when your doing your own . . . why is that? LOL

  21. I love it! You people are so clever. Your back yard is so pretty. Nancy

    1. Wow! Thank you Nancy . . . it's our little piece of paradise . . . so we put everything into it that makes us happy :)

  22. Not hokey at all, but COOL, and keeps you cool! I love that it's filtered too. You two are a great crafty team!

    1. Hi Anita, Your so sweet. It's a backyard that would not appeal to a lot of folks but it fits us to a tea, LOL.

  23. What a fabulous place to sit during the summer, I am very envious. Perhaps I could get Pete to put a hot tub on the deck of the rage! Xx

    1. Hi Fran, I think that, that would be a marvelous idea. You could surround it with potted flowers. I can see you and Pete, kicked back relaxing and watching the other boat traffic sail by :)

  24. Oh WOW Connie that is just the cutest get away
    love it all... you are so artistic !!
    Love the strawberry pot too
    the bench and the window with shutters ..such a great a job you did (:)
    can you tell I'm impressed..LOL

    1. Thank you so much . . . it's wonderful to get a visit, too. Thanks for stopping in, I love company :)

  25. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have seen you comment on Attic clutter and did visit all three of your blogs. Ilike your guitar. I have one, but don't know how to play yet. So it sits, staring at me and calling my name. I sure do like your gardening ideas. Your red neck hot tub looks awesome on a hot day :) I like your ideas for decorating. When I get my shed painted I will be sure to put it on my blog. Stop by again, I can always use some direction in decorating. Right now I am painting our front porch and lattice before my "star Clementis" starts growing. Then on to my water fountain, shed and boy/girl statue. Busy summer!!!

    1. Oh, you sound very busy. I'm looking forward to seeing your shed when you get it done. It's so much fun, fixing and redecorating . . . making our nests cozy and homey :) Have a wonderful weekend and don't work too hard :)

  26. What a great idea! I want one. Your backyard looks great.

  27. This is a very cool idea! We just moved to the country - and it will be hot - and with no pool - well, I think this is a fabulous idea! Thank you for the inspiration. Your yard is just adorable! So much to look at and drool over!

    1. Hi Patti, you just made my day complete, how very sweet. It's time for bed, I just wanted to check my blog before turning in. You're a sweetie pie :) Nightie, night!

  28. Hi connie,
    Thanks for your visit... Ie etsy... Anything you want to know ask me... I love it!!! Main thing, you have to "work it". Cultivate friends ie convos list all the time to keep in the activity feed... Make friends! Like everything in life it's who you know... Energy creates energy... So if it is stagnant, you won't have sales..get on there now and start researching... You make aprons? Check out your competition.. How much are they charging what are they making? You have to try and come up with something no one else is doing... Pictures are most important.. Make them good!!! They are the only thing the buyer has... So in FOCUS... Clear... Close.. No busy backgrounds. Think like a magazine that sells stuff. How would they shoot that apron...get a model or dummy.. Good pics end up in treasuries.. So you get seen!!!
    Do it lady! You will love it and the people in it. Cynthia

    1. Hello Cynthia, what great information. I'm still apprehensive . . . about doing this, but the more information I have the better I'll be at deciding what route to take. I have been invited to join a group of local artists for a monthly outdoor market. It's a new thing, but I would be in on the ground floor. The meeting is next Wednesday, so I'll see if they will except my aprons and furniture as part of the art market :) Wish me luck, and thank you again for your time, information and sweet encouragement. It means a lot :)

  29. Connie, I love your "red neck " hot tub! It looks fun and cozy. I would love to watch the fireflies at night there. Jean

    1. Hello Jean, I would too . . . we don't have fireflies out here in the west. I was raised mainly in Indiana and caught them as a child, they are magical. Our daughter was around twenty the first time she ever saw them, and my husband (raised in Seattle) his first time was around 42. They were both amazed :)

  30. Hi Connie. Nice to meetcha! Actually, our stock tank isn't a swimming hole for us but a pond for our 23 year old red ear slider turtle and her posse of goldfish. I've thought about getting one for swimming though as my grandson always wants to get in it. I love the way you have yours set up.

    1. Hello Ellen, how very nice to meet you, too and thank you so much for following my blog. I'll be right over to check yours out :)

  31. Hi Connie, Your 'hot tub' is just as sweet as can be, tucked in the corner of your darling gardens! I've always wanted a 'no commitment' pool for our rare hot days here in Seattle and this would be just the thing! So creative - I love the lanterns, too.
    Thanks for your sweet visit, too! Hugs, xoxo

    1. Hi Karen, it is a small non-commitment pool and the best part is, with my 5'4" body, when I'm sitting in it the water come to my neck when full. Very refreshing:) Thanks for stopping by.

  32. Love your tub!
    Have lots of fun in it!

  33. Thanks for visiting and commenting Connie. See we have quite a few interests in common. You really have worked at making this tub something. Very artistic. Not likely to need a 'cold' tub here,

    1. Hello Barbara, it is lovely to have you visit. Thank you and do come again, my welcome matt is always out :)

  34. I have a feeling I'll be checking on prices of one of those soon. Rednecks live here, and would love it.
    Thanks for your comments on my blog, yes, that is one that hubby built. He has plans for another one soon.
    I'm a dog person, too, but I also like cats, outside only.

    1. Wow, you must have been on my blog as I was typing on yours . . . thank you so much for following.
      Does your husband sell his steel guitars? . . . They are a work of art:)
      Have a lovely week, Connie :)

  35. That was really crafty. You have well used all your spaces to create an artistic milieu. Good work!! Especially your hot tub, it seems so stylish in middle of the greenery. Hope you have crafty hot tub spa accessories to build up the functionality.

    1. Hello Danielle, and thank you for your sweet comment :)

  36. That was really crafty. You have well used all your spaces to create an artistic milieu. Good work!! Especially your hot tub, it seems so stylish in middle of the greenery. Hope you have crafty hot tub spa accessories to build up the functionality.

  37. Hi Connie,
    I just discovered your blog from my favorite Polka Dot Closet Carol! I have really enjoyed poking around and am so glad I found your blog.


    1. Hello Sue, thank you for visiting. Carol is also one of my favorites, she is so creative:) I appreciate you leaving a comment, and I tried to reach you to say so, but could not get through, so I hope that you receive this through your email. I truly appreciate each and every visitor. I wish there was a way to have cookies and tea waiting.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. This is the coolest and cutest idea! Am thinking I need to share with hubby.Thank you for sharing! Dawne
