Thursday, July 30, 2015

Quilting & Yard Sale Finds

I've got another forgotten project
on my quilting frame and ready to hand-quilt :)
I started this one back last fall.
It feels so good to be getting some 
of these started projects finish :)
 This is my first time 
working with a jelly roll.
I found two new shelves for my art barn.
This one was $5 at a yard sale.
All that I had to do was paint the sides 
and edge along the shelves.
They were a rusty brown,
I like turquoise better.
 Do you remember reading any of these books?
This shelf was $10 
all I did was paint it yellow.

You can never have enough storage :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
 It's going back up in the 100's again tomorrow.
I'm so tired of hot weather.

Feel free to remind be of this in the 
winter when I'm complaining about it being too cold, LOL.

Keep Smiling.
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)


  1. I do like a bargain and you certainly can not have too much storage. I have used a few jelly rolls, I like the precuts, it is a good way of having the whole collection without being swamped with miles of fabric and spending a fortune.

    1. Hi Pam, I agree, the pre-cuts seem expensive, but if you buy when they are on sale you can save a bundle. They are nice for getting a selection of many coordinating fabrics. Have you tried Green Fairy They are having a great sale right now:)
      Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I am smiling, Connie! and I love your jaunty style of painting! Turquoise is such an uplifting colour, the shelf looks so pretty.
    I am not a quilter..I always see those rolls of fabric in the sewing shops and think they look so tempting,....the project you have on your frame would be far out of my league! It is bright and beautiful, a real treasure.
    Here's hoping you get some cooler days soon....100 degrees f iis hot! We only ever really get low nineties at the very hottest in England.

    1. Hi Alex, Thank you for stopping my, you put a smile on my face, too. The thing about smiles they can be contagious :) We have a Sunday earlier this month where our temperature when up to 112 degrees. That was the hottest day that I ever remember in my life. It has been a very hot and dry summer. We are praying of a big rain storm:)

  3. That's what I always say, "A gal can never have too many closet or storage possibilities".

    1. Storage is wonderful. I had my fabric stashed back in a corner out of sight and hard to get at, but now that I moved the books to the new yellow shelf my fabric is on the shelves by my sewing machine. I even color coded it as I re-stacked it :)

  4. I love a bargain and am currently working on changing one to suit me. I can't lose for six dollars and it's going to make life/organization much easier.

    1. Bargains are so much fun . . . the hunt is almost as fun as the find, LOL. I hope you post your find when you have it all made over:)

  5. Looks like a wonderful project you are working on. What bargain finds, I love the turquoise paint colour you have chosen. Have a great weekend.

    1. This quilt is fun to work on. The colors just make me happy.

  6. I love the quilt, it is so happy looking!!! Love your shelves, at first I thought the art barn was a Little Free Library, it's really cute.

    1. Hi Linda, Thanks for visiting. I am delighted that you like my quilt. If you would like to see my art barn (studio) look at the top of my blog on the right and click the Where Blogger Create 2015 box, I would love to show you around :)

  7. I love looking at all the different fabrics in a quilt. You get a lot done! I had to laugh at your comment about the weather. I told my husband just this morning that I am NOT going to complain about the cold this winter! I'll need to be reminded too.

    1. I know, It's human nature . . . but I am going to do my very best to not complain when it gets cold, too :)

  8. Love your quilt and book cases, you are so creative!!! My goodness.....finally I can comment and it does not have to be anonymous....not sure what happened but I shall not complain.

    1. Hi Louise, I noticed that :) So, by the sound of your comment . . . it just fixed its self. The internet is a very mysterious thing :)

  9. You really do serious quilting. I just have a small standing quilting frame.

    I need to get busy making some patchwork quilts, but I will machine quilt them.

    I got your package yesterday and was so surprised. I am so excited. I haven't done anything with them because the guest room is Baby Shower Central right now - I was Wedding Central until 2 weeks ago. Aylin picks up all my creations today and I know just where I will put a bowl of numbered balls.

    You are so sweet!

    1. Hi Carol, I am so happy that you like them. After I had them all boxed and addressed, I realized that I didn't check to see if you had enough of each letter to spell BINGO. I just reached into the jar and pulled some out without even thinking about that. I do enjoy hand quilting, but I do it on the machine, too. I guess it depends on my mood and the size of the quilt.

  10. I like your quilt. So did you like working with the jelly roll? Kind of nice I would think having it cut for you already.
    Nice finds on those shelves. You always manage to find such cool stuff

    1. Hi Ann, I have had a very good season of yard sales and actually have only gone to maybe 7 or 8. It's funny because usually I find the sales that are not worth the bother. This must be my lucky year. I did like the jelly roll, but I think that it does limit you in what you can create.

  11. Connie, You are a great quilter. :):) I love and adore all quilts and all the wonderful talent involved. You quilt by hand , like my aunt did and Ted's mother. Ted even made his mother a new frame as yours. Hope you have a great weekend. Oh I love the little book shelf too. xoxo,Susie

    1. Hi Susie, I started out quilting on my sewing machine, and then a friend of mine challenged me to quilt one by hand. I fell in love with hand quilting . . . she knew that I would. There's something special about sewing each stitch my hand and I know that my hand-quilted quilts turn out much softer than the ones that I do on the machine. What I enjoy is the silence that comes with hand quilting . . . it's very relaxing :) That said . . . I'll never give up quilting on my sewing machine, too. It's nice to have options. I have two sister-in-laws that have those big quilting machine . . . that just isn't me, and besides that they coat a fortune!

  12. Love the colors in your new quilt - so pretty and vibrant! You are such a great thrifter, too. One can never have too many bookcases, that's for sure. We're finally having some hot weather here in northern IL, but nothing compared to what you have. We've barely hit 90 - and with low humidity. Which is a rarity...our humidity is usually very high here. I'm not complaining! :-)

    1. Hi Melanie, I thought that you might have come over to lend me that 2.2 million for that mansion on Lake Michigan. That is some house. I know what you are talking about with your humidity. I was there is June a few years along and I would be out of the shower and 15 minutes later feel like I needed another. I guess when your a kid it doesn't affect you . . . because I just don't remember our Indiana summers being anything but wonderful :) Hope you have a lovely weekend:)

  13. Hi Connie, I think we are all tired of the hot weather. Not that we want the cold but something inbetween sure would be nice. Ours is not in the 100's but too hot for me during the day. I am envious of your quilt frame. Don't know where I would put it but sure looks nice to have. Was it a Joanne's fine? That reminds me that our daughter said she had some kind that she would give me. Will have to remind her! Love the shelves that looks like a little house. Was that put in your craft barn? I see a lot of magazines on your other shelves you bought. Are they all craft magazines? Have a lovely week-end. Thanks for sharing. Nancy

    1. Hi Nancy, Yes the little house book shelf is in the art barn, both selves are out there. The magazines are art, sewing and gardening and some of them are 20 years old, but I love to pull them out and get ideas, especially in the winter when there is more time for things like that. I purchased my quilt frame from Sew & Vac, they had a really good sale on them last winter. This is the first quilt that I have put on it. It took me five trys in loading my fabric onto it . . . I am taking notes so that I won't have that problem again. I wish that you were one of my neighbors, I know that we would have a great time hanging out together:)
      Happy weekend!

  14. Love the new pretty!! Cute house bookshelf!! Wow it has been very hot where you live!!

    1. Hi Cindy, it has been the hottest year of my life. We had one day that hit 112! I still cannot believe it.

  15. What a wonderful quilting frame, I have my mothers old round quilting frame, I haven't hand quilted in so long. Great deal on the shelves, no you can never have too much storage space, love the colors you have chosen. I agree with the heat, although yesterday morning was nice, so I try to go out and enjoy it in the morning

    1. Hi Connie, i've been doing the same thing . . . mowing and weeding early in the mornings. For awhile our evenings were not cooling of and our mornings were hot, but for the last two weeks our mornings have been wonderful. Still wishing we would get a big thunderstorm and rain cats and dogs . . . that would be outstanding. There is a peacefulness about hand quilting that I truly enjoy . . . silence can be golden :)

  16. Wow, you're so organized! You have so many books! While we were away my DIL completely organized my craft room for me.. she labeled everything! I am going to photograph it and blog about it. What a nice thing to do for me. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Hi Teresa, I have had a good time tagging along on your trip and it will be wonderful seeing your craft room. I love peeking into other people's creative spaces:)

  17. It's hot here, too, Connie. We're going to hit 99 today. You scored two very cute bookcases, and I like the colors you chose to paint them. Stay cool! xo ~ Nancy

    1. Hi Nancy, it's always a pleasure seeing your smiling face in my comment box. Are any of the fires close to you? This morning we had a wind from the north where there are forest fires and our visibility was terrible. I feel so sorry for people living close to them. The one that our smokey skies came from was 80 miles away.

  18. great finds! I have a little bookcase that looks lke a doll house tha I'd found for less than $10 I've got a lot of turquoise going on in my sewing room too! lol!


    1. Good morning, I just came from your blog and truly enjoyed the video. Thank you :)

  19. That's a very happy quilt, and two cute bookcases!

    1. Thank you . . . the fabric in that quilt does have away of making me smile :)

  20. Wow!!! Love the quilt!!! Very cool colors!!! The wow is for the fact that you hand quilt!!!! And No you can never have to much storage :0)

    1. I'm delighted that you like my quilt . . . you are such a wonderful quilter that I feel honored :)
