Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May Day!

It's May Day

and we had a lovely day 

to be outside enjoying

the sunshine.

I worked in the potting shed.

Pulled weeds in the garden

and mainly just stayed busy.

This time of the year

brings with it many chores:)

These are not tomatoes . . .

they are peppers :)

There is a little family of birdies 

making this sweet trailer their home.

A thoughtful homemade gift

from a sweet neighbor.

Well, that's my post for today . . .

I hope that you are having lovely

weather and enjoying the sweet outdoors.

Creation is Amazing,


Our Creator is even more Amazing :)

God bless you all!

Connie :)



  1. Lovely photos. Our last day of April and first of May were cloudy with scattered showers which is not so usual in this desert country. More of the same expected today. Spring mostly already sprang but there are some hangers on about. Our growing season is winter so our summer chore is mostly staying cool and trying to keep alive the plants we do have. :) Have a good day.

    1. Yes I guess our seasons and climates are very different.

  2. There’s just something about garden photos that always catches my eyes. Love that little trailer birdhouse 🦜

    1. I know, isn't it nice, I'd move in if I were a little bird :)

  3. I love that last sign! If no answer, pull weeds! That is darling! Your photos are so cute.. showing "this n that" around your yard and garden areas. It's all very charming and shows a lady at work! So much to be done this time of year with gardens and berries, etc. I don't have to worry about that this year, for the first time in about 9 years! It really does feel good! All I have to do is plant flowers in some pots, and once it's done, that's it! Only a tiny lawn area to mow and keeping the gravel free of weeds. It feels very freeing! Take care and try not to overwork yourself! xoxo Marilyn

    1. I can see the benefits of not having a large yard and a garden, but there's so much joy in gardening even when it's a lot of work. And I love having something to send home with everyone that visits during the season. No one turns down fresh produce or a bouquet of summer flowers.

  4. Your seedlings are looking very healthy. My tomatoes are coming on well now. How lovely to have birds nesting in the dear little bird house!

    1. I have several bird houses around the yard and many of them are occupied this year :)

  5. Wonderful photos. I wish I could say I keep myself busy with all the things that need done around here. Truth is, I get home from work and I'm quite lazy. It's been getting really nice and there's yard work to do but I haven't had the ambition to do it.

    1. I've been making lists the night before and it really helps me get more done when I have a list to check off. There's something about checking off a job once completed that satisfies my soul.

  6. Happy May! Looks like things are really growing well. I love the pull weeds sign!

    1. That sign was made by the same neighbor that made the trailer birdhouse. He's very creative.

  7. Love the trailer birdhouse! Also love the Ring Bell Pull Weeds sign!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, it's a good conversation starter when people knock on the door.

  9. Ah Connie it looks like you are busy planting and gardening. This is such a busy time of the year. Seems like there just is not enough time in the day and definitely not enough energy :)! Hugs

    1. I certainly understand that, but all of a sudden I'm starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. My job list is getting checked off each day.

  10. Love the hens and chicks around the bird house!!

    1. Isn't that a sweet planter, I think I bought it at the Goodwill thrift shop. I've had it for several years.

  11. You'll have loads of delicious produce from your garden, something to look forward too. It is still too cold here for planting and tomatoes don't really ripen outside but we have a porch that is a bit like a greenhouse.

    1. I've been watching the weather and it looks like by the 10th of May we're going to be free from frost. So that's the day I'll probably put my tomatoes outside in the garden. There's nothing like a homegrown tomato.

  12. Lots of gardening chores for you, but I'm sure you enjoy getting out in the warm weather. We are in Autumn now, starting to get rather chilly in the mornings and evenings, but Autuumn days are still nice and clear. Winter is just around the corner.

    1. I have been enjoying spring so much and working out in the yard a lot. You can really tell it on my face. I wear jeans and long sleeves and even a hat but my face seems to get rosie pink in the springtime.

  13. Happy May Day to you too...a day late but I've been busy outside like you, with all the little and not-so-little jobs that Spring brings in the garden. Three days of sunshine we've had. A real gift and I've got the sunburnt face to show for it. (My hat keeps falling off.) The birdhouses are sweet. I wonder what kind of bird has chosen to nest in them. Robins are wanting to build their nest in a spot accessible to Miss Kitty. Very unwise of them.
    Have a merry month of May 💜💜💜

    1. I'm surprised that the robins are building a nest so close to where your kitty is. They're generally pretty sharp about building their nests in protective places. Although one year I found a nest low in one of my rose bushes and I was so afraid that Beulah was going to find it too. She never seemed to mess with it.

  14. Ove that sweet sign and the birdhouse too. I need to try to revive the May Day basket tradition next year. I always delivered them when I was a child.

    1. When I was a little girl we always did May Day baskets. Our teacher would help us make a paper basket and we would fill it with flowers to give to them to our mother's. One year I set Mama's basket down in front of the front door. Then I rang the doorbell and ran away so that she would be delightfully surprised. Only my brother opened the door and stepped out right on top of my basket (not on purpose) but crushed it and crushed my little heart too. Saddest May Day ever, boohoo.

  15. I may try container pots of tomatoes in my driveway this year! A great time of the year to be outdoors and enjoy nature, Connie.

  16. We both appreciate the wonder of things outside! Your plants look very promising and it's wonderful to have Spring blooms and nice weather! Hugs!
