Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Goodbye May 2024

Remembering those 
that put their lives  
on the line for

If anyone is interested 
in making these flags . . .
it was very simple.
I just made them from 
striped and polka-dot fabric
and then hot glued them 
onto twigs from the garden.

This next project actually
took me two months of my spare time.
Digging was by far the hardest part.
I hired a teenage boy to do the digging,
but he never showed,
so, this old gal did it herself.
Stopping between back aces :)

Some of my roses are blooming
and the others are filled with buds.

This small rose 
is by far the lease 
in being pretty,
but it makes up for it in 
it's lovely scent.
As you can see even
Beulah loves it.
She's such a girly girl :)

The clematis is showing off 
by the front porch.

Last but not least.
The chamomile is blooming 
and ready for the first picking.

Drying on screens,
so that this winter
it can provide many soothing
cups of tea.


Thank you for your visit
and may your life be filled 
with blessing from above :)

your blogging sister,
Connie :)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Re-Using Old Furniture

Do you remember this chair?
I made this slipcover almost 20 years ago.
This chair has been in some room 
of our house ever since.

Well, this is the reason for the slipcover.

I decided to buy two new chairs 
for the living room 
and put this chair and 
my old brown recliner 
out in the barn. 

The buffalo plaid was perfect
for the barn.
So, I just made new arm covers. 

Here it is finished.
Easy fix :)


And here they are in the barn. 

I found this guy at the 
Goodwill Thrift Store.
It fits my theme wonderfully
and such a handsome fellow :)

Well, that's my blog for today.
Thanks for stopping in to visit.
Enjoy your weekend
God Bless You All.

Your blogging sister,
Connie :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May Day!

It's May Day

and we had a lovely day 

to be outside enjoying

the sunshine.

I worked in the potting shed.

Pulled weeds in the garden

and mainly just stayed busy.

This time of the year

brings with it many chores:)

These are not tomatoes . . .

they are peppers :)

There is a little family of birdies 

making this sweet trailer their home.

A thoughtful homemade gift

from a sweet neighbor.

Well, that's my post for today . . .

I hope that you are having lovely

weather and enjoying the sweet outdoors.

Creation is Amazing,


Our Creator is even more Amazing :)

God bless you all!

Connie :)