Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Winter Sewing & Baking

The weather is very cold

and the roads are bad . . .

Time to stay inside and spend time

sewing and baking bread.



Here are a few photos

of the process

and the detail of my

apron project :)

The pockets.

The back.

Don't you just love the smell

of bread baking in the oven.

The only thing better is 

slicing it and spreading

on some butter whiles it's warm :)


Stay warm my friends,

and may the Good Lord keep

you under the shadow of His wing.


Remember He Loves You!


until next time . . .

Your blogging sister,

Connie :)


  1. Wearing that pretty apron would make the housework easier!

  2. Connie, Oh it would be so nice to smell that bread. The apron is adorable. You can sew very well. Stay warm. Blessings, xoxo ,love, Susie

    1. It's nice to see you here today and thank you for the lovely compliment.

  3. It's so cute! Your close ups show what a nice job you do.
    It's been snowing like crazy here too. I haven't left the house since Thursday, even working from home. I made bread too -smells so good!

    1. I'm so glad that you are able to work from home. It's a very nice option when the roads are bad. Stay warm my friend.

  4. What pretty fabric you chose for this apron. I like it so much. I have a sister who sews and am fortunate to have some aprons she has made. I myself can't sew so I admire those who can. ( I have taken sewing classes but it's just not in me. *smile*)

    1. We all have different talents and that's what makes life so interesting. If we were all the same how boring would that be? I'm happy you like my apron.

  5. Oh, I do LOVE that apron! That is really so very sweet!! You really make me wish I were able to do some creative sewing like that. I just don't have a good enough machine and I get too frustrated, so it is better for me not to do it, but I sure do love seeing these things you make!! If you lived nearby I would keep you busy making things for me! LOL. And that BREAD! Oh, that looks SO good! I can almost smell it and taste it here! Yum!! Hope you are staying safe and warm and cozy. It's chilly weather here too, but nothing like what you have. Still, for us it's quite enough! I made homemade beef vegetable soup today and it was very good. Now, a slice of your bread would really go good with that! LOL. Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week.

    1. Too bad we don't live closer, so that I could show up at your kitchen door with a loaf of warm bread and we could have a bowl of soup together. Beef and vegetable is one of my very favorites.

  6. The bread looks marvelous. I agree, baking bread is one the of best smells!!

    1. I know it's hard to beat that smell. It makes the house smell cozy :)

  7. What an adorable apron! I can never find cute fabric. I haven't done much sewing, or baking for that matter. Too much trouble.
    Stay warm, sweet friend.

    Grace & Peace,

  8. Your apron is very pretty. Baking bread makes the whole house smell welcoming. It's hard to resist cutting off a crust of warm bread and eating it with butter and maybe some honey.

  9. I love your apron - it is so cheerful (a perfect antidote to bad weather!). And yes, the smell of fresh bread! Yum. A nice thick slice slathered with creamy butter is a perfect treat to be savoured in every bite. Stay safe and be happy :) xx

  10. What an adorable apron that is. I love the color and all the details you put into it.

  11. What a sweet apron! I love that fabric! Is there a fabric store where you live? The bright green matches so well and it's such a cheerful apron! Your bread looks so so yummy! The big round fat loaf is detectible.....I wish I could eat flour like I could years ago! I miss those fresh bread smells. My mom used to make bread and rolls and real cinnamon rolls. Oh how I miss those. Glad you are being safe and staying in. I notice when I stay in for a few days, I'm much sleepier! It must be from lack of oxygen, in this closed up and tightly sealed house! Hugs...Marilyn

  12. What a sweet apron. It makes me want to get back to sewing again. I haven't sewn in quite a while and I miss it. That bread looks delicious. I have pretty much gone gluten free since it causes me distress but I have yet to try baking gluten free bread. Happy Thursday- xo Diana

  13. That apron is the sweetest. I don't sew well, only straight stitching but I found a little skirt my grandmother made for me when I was 7 or 8, some 65 years ago! It has little collie dogs on it. I took apart the back seam, hemmed the two sides, sewed some ribbon for ties! Now I can have grandma with me again when I cook.

    1. I love that you turned your skirt into an apron, especially because your grandma made it. That bowl that my bread dough is rising in is one my mother gave me and I always use it when I bake bread because she's the one that taught me how. Makes me feel she's in the kitchen with me too, so I know how you feel.

  14. Mmm, I'm sure I can almost smell your bread down here! Pretty apron too.

  15. beautiful apron, too cute to get dirty, lol! Very creative and the bread, yummy.

  16. What a darling apron! And I bet your homemade bread is delicious. Stay warm and cozy and safe!

  17. that sounds like a perfect plan for a snowy day, your apron turned out so pretty, love the colors and patterns you used. Yes baked bread is the best, I think it is even better than cookies baking :)

  18. I love the coziness of winter - you have been busy sewing, just an adorable apron! Nothing like homemade baked bread! Stay warm and cozy! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  19. Lovely, lovely projects. I can just imagine the scrumptious aroma of the baking bread. Yum.
    Heavy rain here from about the moment we stepped out of church this morning, about 8 hours ago so far. Our furnace decided to take a vacation, so we have been relying on the oven to keep the pipes safe. Seemed like a good time to bake a peach cobbler using a jar of home canned peaches. :-) I'm thankful for my oven and my dry home this evening. And the peaches! :-) Blessings!

  20. Love this apron! Beautiful fabric and a lovely pattern. I've never seen an apron like this before. I have bread baking in my oven as I read this... nothing like the smell of freshly baked bread!
