Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Goodbye May 2024

Remembering those 
that put their lives  
on the line for

If anyone is interested 
in making these flags . . .
it was very simple.
I just made them from 
striped and polka-dot fabric
and then hot glued them 
onto twigs from the garden.

This next project actually
took me two months of my spare time.
Digging was by far the hardest part.
I hired a teenage boy to do the digging,
but he never showed,
so, this old gal did it herself.
Stopping between back aces :)

Some of my roses are blooming
and the others are filled with buds.

This small rose 
is by far the lease 
in being pretty,
but it makes up for it in 
it's lovely scent.
As you can see even
Beulah loves it.
She's such a girly girl :)

The clematis is showing off 
by the front porch.

Last but not least.
The chamomile is blooming 
and ready for the first picking.

Drying on screens,
so that this winter
it can provide many soothing
cups of tea.


Thank you for your visit
and may your life be filled 
with blessing from above :)

your blogging sister,
Connie :)


  1. Connie, what a task that was to dig the path. and what a let down that the teen didnt show. But you did a brilliant job! I so admire your clematis. Mine are flowering but not in the profusion that yours are showing. Lovely garden photos.

  2. So many beautiful blooms. Love them all. Your porch looks so cozy.

  3. It's looking so beautiful at your place! The clematis is showing off! The others flowers are pretty too. I'm impressed with your walkway. That was a lot of work.

  4. You dug that huge path all by yourself?! Unbelievable! Is there anything you can't do?! I am SO impressed. And it looks absolutely beautiful with those pavers in it. I wonder what variety of clematis you have. It sure is pretty. I don't think I've ever seen one like that before. I've also never seen chamomile growing! Looks like daisies. Wonder if it would grow here - it's so beautiful!

  5. I love everything on this post! Your home is so cozy and nice. The flowers are pretty - and the little flags are something that even I could do! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Making that path must have been hard work. Too bad that young fellow didn't show up.
    Your pink Clematis is stunning!! Your Chamomile did so well. Chamomile tea is, sadly, not to my taste. I know it's a very comforting drink.

  7. I loved reading your post, Connie. Your garden looks amazing!
    Liz xx

  8. Beautiful Connie! The walkway is a lovely addition to your yard.

  9. That sounds so typical these days with hiring someone and then they don't show up. You did an excellent job though. The path looks amazing. All your flowers are so pretty. Your front porch looks so cozy and inviting. The perfect spot to sit with a cup of coffee and a good book.

  10. Good Morning Connie. That path does look like back breaking work. The pavers are the perfect way to complete it. I'm sorry the teen didn't show up. That seems to be a theme these days. The various flowers around your beautiful home are gorgeous. I don't think I've seen chamomile growing before. How nice to be able to grow it yourself and know exactly where your tea is coming from.
    Love those sweet little flags. How brilliant to use the two fabrics. I may even be able to do that!
    Wishing you a beautiful day today.

  11. Two months of digging between back aches, you really are a wonder woman! The path looks wonderful, are the paving stones placed on small stones? I love the photos of your beautiful flowers too.

  12. Hi Connie, Visits to Crafty Home Cottage always put me in a better mood. I’m truly impressed with your new walkway with the bricks. It’s a beauty! And, oh my goodness, my back is feeling your pain. 😊 Connie, you ARE an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your blog and kind regards to you from your neighbor to the west. John

  13. What a beautiful beautiful post. You have turned your place into such a show place! Your path is wonderful. Look, I for one know the work you put into that path. I have tackled so many things like that. Love your porch too! Melba

  14. Love the path! Lots of hard work, turned out so very nice.
    Your flowers are beautiful!
    Happy weekend...

  15. Oh Connie, that would be a back breaking job for sure, sorry the young man never made it, you did a fabulous job with it though. The roses look so pretty, and how wonderful to have a pretty smell too! Our friends have the clematis growing by their front door too but it is almost done flowering now.

  16. Hi Connie! Wow! That is quite an accomplishment! Well done!!! xoPom Pom

  17. Hello Connie, your walk way looks amazing, be careful not to over do it. Beautiful flowers , your yard is so lovely. I have been thinking about you as of late, how you doing sweet lady?

  18. Hi Connie! I missed this post! Your walkway is wonderful! What a ton of work you did! Wow is all I can say! And your clemantis looks stunning.. the closeups are gorgeous. I love those... my neighbor has a vine climbing up her shed, but half of it is not doing well, but at least there are a few blooms on it. Your porch looks so cozy! And your roses are just beautiful. I wish I could smell them! Those small ones are the best ever with their scent! I had one of those in Madras that I loved going out in the yard to sniff! You've been a busy girl as usual! More power to ya! I've been a slug for a week... had company for a week, and then I crashed! I'm hoping to get my mojo back for "something". Still haven't done a blog post for a long time.. just not much interest in it anymore I guess. (nor are others!). Take care and have a great week! Hugs.. Marilyn
