Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Three New Baby Quilts.


While the weather is 

cold outside,

I've been inside 

working on baby quilts. 

Following are pictures 

of all three of them.

These will be donated to 

Crossroad Recourse Center.

They help young women 

with pregnancy tests,

souna grams,



education in parenting.


I've also been getting

back to eating healthy

after my holiday

binge eating. 


When will I ever learn?

It takes three times

longer to take weight

off, than to put it on.


Keep Smiling,

You're Blogging Sister,

Connie ☺️ 


  1. Hi Connie....I've missed all your January posts so went back and commented. You have been super busy! The baby quilts are beautiful and colorful. The prints are darling. I have yet to pull out my sewing machine since last summer! My paper crafting has taken over, plus working on things for my new Etsy shop. It's a long process to list things but I thoroughly enjoy making them. Just like quilting, it's fun but some parts are very time consuming. Here's to a great creative new year! Xoxoxo Marilyn

  2. These are all wonderful quilts. I love the color combinations you chose for each of them. How awesome that you are donating them. I'm sure the recipients will be so happy with them.
    I hear you on taking the weight off. I'm struggling with it.

  3. How lovely to make quilts for such a good cause. They are so pretty Connie.

  4. The quilts are so sweet and a mom is going to really appreciate them.
    Yes, it sure is harder to take it off than to put it on!

  5. charity donations are the best feeling♥your 3 quilts are lovely and will be well appreciated. thanks for the share.

  6. All the quilts are lovely. My favorite is the one with the ducks. These will keep the little ones toasty warm.

  7. Your quilts are so darling. What a blessing they will be. I am in the same boat with holiday eating.😟

  8. I did a comment last night, but this morning it isn't here! So I'll comment again! The quilts are darling and so bright and colorful! Love the 2nd one's prints.. so cute and babylike. You have been one busy lady. I missed your January posts so far so went and commented on each one (I thought?)??? I'll go back and look at the other two. Happy New Year to you and Beulah too.. She looks like such a love and such a companion. We've had gorgeous weather here, but snow may come next weekend (yup, I guess we get some snow here too!) so will make sure to have all errands run so I don't have to drive on Hwy 30 which is too curvy and has steep spots where I would NOT want to be driving in any slippery conditions! Take care.. have a great Sunday! Love, Marilyn

  9. Those sweet, sweet quilts will definitely be keeping some lucky little babies warm. You are so talented. At church this morning I had a friend ask me if I would knit mittens for the elementary school that she's a school nurse for. Apparently it's a very low income school. I'll be glad to get back to my mitten knitting.
    I know what you mean about trying to lose weight. I've lost 13 but then it's just stopped coming off. I have lots more to go.

  10. All three are beautiful and you know they are going to young Mums who will appreciate them.

  11. You have been busy during this chilly month making those pretty quilts. All three are so sweet.
    I agree about taking three times longer to take weight off than to put it on. I think we all overindulged a bit at Christmas.

  12. Your quilts are beautiful, Connie. I love the pretty fabrics you've used.
    Liz xx

  13. Oh my they will just love the beautiful quilts you made, I do love the pretty stitching on them too!
    I agree how easy it seems to gain but how it takes 3 times as long to get it off.

  14. Oh, I hear you about how long it takes to lose weight versus gaining it. Some days it seems impossible.
    Your quilts are all lovely and will keep sweet babies warm.

  15. Oh my, you have been busy! What lovely quilts so bright and cheery! So kind of you to donate to such a great cause. Soon enough we will see your garden harvest. Enjoy your winter sewing

  16. I just "found" your blog... love the read al your posts. So sweet of you to make babyquilt and than donate them. I just had to tell you that. And now I will read some more posts.
