Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 2024

Busy, busy, busy . . .

isn't that the way this time of the year goes?

I've started this quilt,

I'm making it from scraps and sewing it with

the quilt as you go method. 

There are so many other jobs

that this quilt might just

be a full summer project,

but you can see a little progress.

When it's done, I plan on trying

to count how many different

fabrics I've used :) 

Here I'm cleaning out all 

the dead from my blackberries.

And moving my "Big Boy"

scarecrow over to the blackberries

hoping to keep the birds away. 


After painting the barn,

I started painting the back fence.

You can see Beulah's tail 

in this photo.  She is a farm dog

and loves to help, but she sure 

gets dirty doing it.

Here's another photo 

of the fence. 

This is one of my favorite canning books.

I didn't have time to put up
rhubarb this year.
So; I gave it away to a friend
with this recipe from the book.
It's a great book,
they don't overwrite their recipes,
they just make them very simple 
to understand.
I bought it on Amazon. 
a few years ago. 

This is my other big chore . . .

Trying to keep this sweet girl

clean.  She loves the dirt 

and has so much fun frolicking



Thanks for stopping by

have a lovely weekend.


God Bless you all


Your blogging sister,

Connie :) 


  1. Mmm, rhubarb, we love it. I dont preserve it like you, but chop it up and freeze it on bags for later. Your dog is so precious.

    1. Thank you. She is a sweetheart and such a loving companion.

  2. That quilt is absolutely gorgeous Connie. Oh I look forward to seeing that beauty all finished up. You have done so well painting that big long fence. I adore your little "helper" even though she does get dirty. Take Care Connie xx

    1. I'm having fun making this quilt. It's always fun to work with scraps and even more fun to create blocks from whatever my mind comes up with :) by the looks of this quilt, I have a pretty wacky mind, LOL

  3. My goodness! You have been busy! I wish I could find the motivation to do half of what you do! I love, love, love the colors of the quilt you are working on! So bright and happy!

    Take it easy, my friend!

    Grace & Peace,

  4. Thank you. The colors are just evolving from what's on hand. By the time I'm ready to do a border it'll be interesting what color fabric I can find that'll go with everything else.

  5. What a lovely assortment of fabrics you've used for your quilt. I know nothing about quilting so I watched a little video about Quilt-as-you-go. Such a great way to work it. Good thing you have Beulah to help you with all the outside jobs. If only she would avoid getting so dirty :)

    1. That would be nice. She has so much white on her body that dirt really shows up, but she has so much fun outside frolicking in the sunshine.

  6. Oh I love your crazy quilt! So bright and fun.. I would like to try my hand at a scrap quilt one of these days.. with no rhyme or reason and just grab whatever colors. I've downsized my scraps though.. gave a bunch away at my yard sale a year and a half ago, but still have a big bag of them.. and lots of fat quarters of every color on earth, that I could use! I found some super easy "10 minute blocks on youtube... she even has a few books so I bought one of hers on Amazon and it remains to be used! No piecing involved! You are so energetic and always seem so motivated to "do" stuff! Your fence painting is awesome.... Beulah is a doll and your blackberries look thinned to perfection! I love your newsy posts! xoxoxo Marilyn

    1. Some days I feel like I'm just hanging in there, my energy level is not what it used to be. I'll be glad when the garden is all planted and the timers are on the drip line. I could use some relaxing time, LOL

  7. I love your quilt. It is so bright and cheerful. I love rhubarb. My neighbor grows it and shares with me. So thankful for that.

    1. I had a friend come over today with a rhubarb pudding that was kind of like a cobbler. I had vanilla ice cream in the freezer that went very good with it. I love rhubarb too.

  8. I wish I had your ambition. You're always busy with one project or another.

    1. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. I have this driving force that when I start something I just want to get it done.

  9. What a fun and happy quilt Connie! It just plain looks happy. I really don't know how you do it all. That fence looks like a huge project but I see that you have a sweet helper that just wants to be with her Mama. Aren't dogs the BEST? She's so cute but I can just imagine how dirty she gets when she's "helping."

    1. Since the weather's been nice Beulah has been getting a weekly bath and believe me she needs it. When I picked her out of the litter there were 10 puppies and most of them were solid brown. Too bad I had to fall in love with one that had brown and white spots because her white curly fur really picks up the dirt, LOL. I'm sure the brown ones pick it up too but you can just see it on her and she looks a mess. She does behave very well getting a bath and I have trained her not to shake. It's bad enough scouring out a dirty bathtub but I don't need water splatted all over the walls too.

  10. I must not have pressed Publish when I commented yesterday. Anyway, I just wanted to say I 'googled' Quilt-as-you go to see how it was done. Interesting and much easier than manipulating a large quilt when machine quilting. I love all the pretty fabrics you've chosen.

    1. It's much easier to do quilt as you go when you're doing it on a regular sewing machine. I use this method on many of my quilts.

  11. Dogs and dirt just seem to go together don't they! Your new summery quilt top is a delight for the eyes!

  12. That's going to be a very special quilt. Your dog is so pretty....even when muddy!

    1. Oh I'll have to take a photo of you when she's really dirty. You won't think she's that pretty then, LOL

  13. You are always so busy and active with fun - and hard - things! My rhubarb is just now growing. I don't can mine, but I like to make rhubarb-strawberry crisps and I have a good recipe for rhubarb cookies, too. Love your newest quilt. What do you do with all the quilts you make? Do you keep them/use them or do you gift them to family and friends? Just curious!

    1. You said it, I keep some, I use some and I give some as gifts. Sometimes I make a quilt especially for someone, but what I really like to do is when I want to give someone one just get them all out and let them pick the one they like.

  14. The quilt looks great, how fun quilting as you go. It certainly is a busy time of the year but so exciting to watch things start to grow!

    1. I love watching plants grow. It amazes me how I plant a tomato seed in the house in March and it comes up at first like a fine blade of grass, then by the end of July it is as tall as I am and producing enough tomatoes for canning.

  15. Nice to find another Dandelion lover!
