Last Saturday a warm day
snuck in-between
all of our cold weather.
I used it
to go out to Steve's shop
and scavenger wood to create
a new ironing station.
This is what I had before.
I was bound and determined
to not buy anything
only using materials I could find
here at home and in Steve's shop.
This was all the paint
that I could find.
I ended up watering it down
to make it work.
Here it is finished.
You may have noticed
that I have wheels on one side
and not on the other.
I saw a cart on Amazon
made this way.
It kept me from having
to put locking wheels on one side,
which I couldn't find anyway.
I needed handles to make it
easier to lift it up
wheel it around.
I couldn't find any old handles
in the shop
but I did find these two coat hooks.
I just installed them upside down
so that I could put my hands under
them and lift.
It works great !
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