Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Saturday, February 8, 2025

My New DIY Ironing Station


Last Saturday a warm day 

snuck in-between 

all of our cold weather.

I used it 

to go out to Steve's shop 

and scavenger wood to create 

a new ironing station.

This is what I had before.

I was bound and determined 

to not buy anything 

only using materials I could find 

here at home and in Steve's shop. 

This was all the paint 

that I could find. 

I ended up watering it down 

to make it work.

Here it is finished.

And here it is complete 
with baskets and containers 
that I already had. 
It's going to make 
my small sewing room 
so much more efficient. 
And it didn't 
cost me a single penny. 


You may have noticed 

that I have wheels on one side 

and not on the other. 

I saw a cart on Amazon

made this way. 

It kept me from having 

to put locking wheels on one side, 

which I couldn't find anyway.

I needed handles to make it 

easier to lift it up 


wheel it around. 

I couldn't find any old handles 

in the shop 

but I did find these two coat hooks. 

I just installed them upside down 

so that I could put my hands under

 them and lift. 

It works great !

I'm really happy with the results 

and the fact that in helping Steve 

with his projects through the years,
I truly learned a lot. 

I'm not a carpenter 

but I do have the ability 

to build rough projects. 


That's it for this post. 

Thank you for stopping by. 

Never get in a rut 

and think you're not capable 

of doing something

Before you first give it a try:)

God bless you all 

You're blogging sister, 

Connie :)

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