Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Today Is Beautiful





While the weather is cold

 and I'm housebound, 

I decided to walk around

 my home and enjoy it.

I have been blessed. 

Spring will soon be here

 and I will want to be

 outside most of the time.

 So while I'm inside 

I'm going to count 

my blessings. 

My home suits me to a tee.

 It is warm and cozy.

My furnace works. 

My plumbing works 

And my roof doesn't leak. 

Not everyone can say that. 

We are very blessed 

if we can.


I just want to encourage 

each and everyone of us

to look around us 

and appreciate today:)

God bless you all! 

You're blogging sister, 

Connie :)


  1. Replies
    1. I'm delighted that you stopped by to visit 😊

  2. Pictures of your home always look so inviting.

    1. That's a sweet thing to say, I want my home to always be a comfortable place for friends to visit.

  3. You are right! It's cold outside, but we are warm, dry and cozy inside. We are certainly blessed.

  4. Amen, Connie. I think Dorothy said it best---There's no place like home! I am blessed, too, is countless ways. xo Diana

  5. You have a lovely, cozy, and beautiful home. Enjoyed walking around it with you. :) I do the same thing at my house when I have to walk inside. I usually end up moving a few things around when I do it. :)

    1. Good to hear, I have a friend that laughs at me because I'm always moving things around.

  6. Hi Connie,
    What a sweet post...I feel the same way about my home as you. It's so easy to take everyday necessities for granted. Thank you for the gentle reminder ❣️
    Blessings, Linda 💗

  7. I enjoyed walking around your home with you, it is lovingly decorated and so welcoming. Just wish I could pop over for a visit sometime.

    1. Oh, I wish you could too. If you're ever in my corner of the globe, you are more than welcome to come visit and even stay a while.

  8. Amen! I just did the same thing a few days ago. We did NOT want to leave Spokane. We loved it there. The weather and the camping were wonderful. Good friends and church. But, we've found a condo that we love, friends and family and the church home that we were married in. The weather? Not so much! But it's finally beginning to feel like home again and our cozy condo is part of that feeling.
    I love all of the photos of your home. It looks so sweet and just perfect. I like all of your treasures, especially the little blue chicken in the second photo. "-)

    1. That chicken is another Goodwill find. I decorate with other people's junk, LOL.
      Thank you for your sweet words.

  9. Oh, I enjoyed seeing these lovely photos of your home so much! I love all the farmhouse decor you have, that is not just decor, but it is YOU. It's all practical and happy stuff that makes your house a cozy home! I see you have the same Better Homes and Garden cookbook that I have, although yours looks much cleaner and newer. Mine is almost 56 years old! I see a blue and white Currier and Ives plate like I have. I love blue and white dishes and red and white also. I love all the different things you have collected. I love your aprons too. I also love aprons! I also see an old cast iron flat iron. I have one of those also! Yes, I think we like a lot of the same things. I would feel right at home in your house! Thank you for sharing it with us. Yes, we need to be thankful for the wonderful things God has provided...a warm house that doesn't leak and stays warm in winter and cool in summer...those are things not to be taken for granted when we see what others have suffered this past year with storms and fires. We are very thankful, indeed! God bless you Connie. Thank you for this delightful tour of your warm and inviting home.

    1. It sounds like we have so much in common. That cookbook is the same one that I had when we married. Let me clarify, it is not the same exact one but it is one from the same year and the same edition that I had. I had to get rid of mine because one day my crock pot boiled over when I wasn't home. Steve cleaned up the mess but he didn't wash under the stack of cookbooks, he washed around them but not under them. I didn't know anything about it until I pulled out my cookbook one day and mold was growing under it. I know that sounds gross, but sometimes gross things happen. That was early in our marriage and I soon taught him that you have to clean everything when something spills. I searched so many years to find that same cookbook and was so happy the day that I did. I can't remember if it was Goodwill or a garage sale but it is in very good shape and I use it all the time.

  10. I love this post. My home suits me to a tee too💖💖💖 Happy February. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you. I'm a nest builder like a robin foraging pretty string and interest twigs and grass to make my home cozy. I think you're the same.🥰

  11. Lovely decor and so true. Blessings abound.

  12. ...Connie, you have decorated you cozy home beautifully. I also have three granddaughter and thank you for your prayers and love for the youngest one, Liza!

    1. My heart goes out to you and prayers will continue for Liza and for your family. God bless you all.

  13. Amen, yes I so appreciate my home, I love being here and feel so blessed. Love your pictures!
    Spring will be here before we know it :)

    1. Hi Connie, thanks for stopping by and for your very sweet comment.

  14. Love this post Connie! I love walking around your home with you! I love every bit of it.. all the farmhouse things and the pretty blues and whites, and reds.. and pitchers, aprons, cookbooks, etc. I too have the Better Home and Gardens red plaid cookbook.. not sure what year from but early 60's probably.. was my mom's. I'm sorry you lost your "real" one due to that spill! I had to chuckle at Steve's faux pa! Are you housebound because of the weather or something else? I hope you are not sick! We're having some snow here.... go figure.. on the coast? Did not think I was moving to another snowy climate! It's pretty so far, as only an inch or two here and there... and sun breaks in between. But I think it's going to get colder midweek and on, and probably you too! We've had some 20 degree nights and they are coming again, maybe even colder! I thought the coast was supposed to be mild! Ha ha...... I too love my home, and love walking around and taking photos of all my favorite things! Hope all is well.... hugs.. Marilyn

    1. Hi girlfriend, thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments. Our weather has been very cold and that's basically why I'm housebound. Saturday we had a lovely day and I got out in Steve's shop and scavenger a bunch of wood and got a project built for my sewing room. It will be in my next post. Now it's cold again icy in the mornings and then wet in the afternoons. I had a friend over today that I'm helping make a quilt for her great-grandson, so that was a lot of fun. I love helping people quilt.
      Stay warm my friend, spring is right around the corner.

  15. I loved "walking" around your home with you Connie! Love all your chicken decor, and the idea of using the rake for hanging decor! We are truly blessed to have warm and cozy homes in the middle of winter, indeed. So much to be thankful for! Soon enough, spring will come. Blessings to you dear friend!

    1. Thank you for your visit. I probably have too many aprons hanging on that rake, but I love aprons, what can I say:)

  16. In answer to your question about the muffin recipe..... Yes, the orange goes into the blender and gets chopped up. Cutting up the orange into maybe 8 pieces or so helps the blender do a good job I find. I hope the muffins turn out for you. I've made this recipe many times and it has never failed. I should add that I put in more chopped dates than the recipe calls for mainly because my husband is very fond of dates.

    1. Thank you so much for getting back to me. It's my turn to bring a treat to our Sunday Bible study this week and I think I might just make your muffins:) I don't have any dates in the house but I think I can substitute with craisins.

  17. Blessed, indeed! Beautiful post, my friend.

    Grace & Peace,

    1. So true. Even tho my house wants repairs, I am blessed to be warm, dry and more than comfortable.
      And tho I am quite elderly, I still like to cook. Problem is, I need to get those recipes up where I can see them. I've tried several different things, but they don't work for me. I noticed a clipboard on some sort of stand in one of your photos. Could you tell us what you are using for the stand, please? I might be able to rummage thru DH's garage and find something similar that would solve my need. I know you are quite clever at repurposing things. I wonder what you did for this clipboard stand.
      It looks like bad weather across much of the US. I hope you are safe and well.
      Blessings, Lindah

    2. Actually I did not make the clipboard I bought it in a second hand store already put together. It wasn't DIY it was ready made. I was tickled when I found it and I usually put something encouraging on it that I can look at and read while I'm doing dishes. I'm going to think about this for a while though maybe I can come up with an idea. If so I'll let you know. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. I recognize the Pioneer Woman pitcher! But my favorites are the pig and the chicken cannisters.

    1. Actually the pig is a piggy bank I found it I think at the Goodwill or maybe a yard sale I can't really remember. I've had that pig for a long time. I just really like the expression on his face.
