Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Thursday, July 20, 2023

What A Difference A Month Makes



 Remember this photo?

I posted it June 19th . . .



One month and one day later.

What A Difference A Month Makes!


Now that my pollinators

are blooming my garden

is starting to produce 

beautiful vegetables for the table:)


Well this is my post for today,

I'm getting ready for our

quilt group to meet this


Sounds like we'll be having 

a full house,

everyone is planning on being here.


Have a lovely day.

Remember to put God first . . .

He loves us more than we know.


Your blogging sister,

Connie :)



  1. Connie! What an amazing garden! I am in awe of your vegetables, you have, as we say here, a very green thumb!

    1. Thank you, I do have a green thumb when it comes to outside gardens, but when it comes to house plants, my thumb turns brown. I can not keep anything alive inside my house.

  2. Oh my goodness, Connie! Indeed, what a difference a month makes! Such a lovely garden! You truly have a green thumb and the Master's Touch! I am not much of a gardener, and seeing this just blows my mind! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I hope you are enjoying your quilting group! You are amazing!!!

  3. Wow, that is impressive. You are definitely good at gardening. My dad was like that but I didn't inherit his skills.

  4. Just beautiful wow!! your garden is doing so good, I love it!

  5. Your garden looks delightful, and I'm sure you enjoyed hosting your quilting friends.

    1. We had a really nice time together today and are planning to make a quilt together for a friend and neighbor who is moving away. Something for them to remember us by :)

  6. I love seeing the difference of one month. It's really incredible!
    Your garden looks great and the flowers are so pretty. I ate my first tomato from my garden tonight.

    1. Oh there is nothing better than a garden fresh tomato. The pure taste of Summer :)

  7. Connie, Your garden is just amazing. You will definitely have veggies for the winter! I love how it's so pretty and bountiful. My favorite is the gorgeous flowers growing up the windmill. I'm sure your quilt group was wonderful fun and I can just imagine the laughter and ice tea that was consumed.
    We just finished our Thursday night Bible study on Zoom with our friends in Spokane. There were 12 of us tonight and they all told us how hot it is there right now. Take care and don't get overheated working in that beautiful yard.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. It certainly is a warm summer here an d I'm finding that the heat zaps my energy the older I get. So I work a while in the morning and then I take a break and go out and work some more in the evening. I've never been a nap person but this weather is changing my routine on afternoons when I have nothing planned I sometimes find myself napping in my chair.

  8. Wow, your garden certainly grew! And such a cute scarecrow too :) xx

    1. Thanks, I've had that scarecrow for a long time now. She gets a new outfit about every 2 years because the sun and sprinklers hitting it wear it out.

  9. Oh Wow that is so amazing the difference in just a month, and everything is looking so good, veggies and the flowers :) Hope you all had a great time at the quilt club :) and that you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, we had a great time and everyone but one was in attendance :) Great turn out for this busy time of the year.

  10. Your garden has grown by leaps and bounds!! The vegetables are doing so well but it's the flowers that I most admire. I like the colour of your Morning Glories. I have dark purple ones. If only we could exchange seeds then we'd both have both colours. Granny M

    1. Check for a new comment on your last post. I sent you a link on where you can order pink morning glories :) Next year you can have both colors. I would send you some seed, but there are so many laws about sending seed and produce into other countries . . . don't want to break any laws even if I don't see why they are there. I'm guessing that there are certain things that they do need to watch out for and so laws are put in place for the protection of people and land and that I can respect. Happy gardening!

  11. Whoa girl, enough miracle grow. LOL Connie, Your garden is awesome. I love the flowers and veggies. My daughter Karen has a green thumb for growing veggies and flowers. She also cans things. I had no idea this child could do that or I would have help her make a garden while she was growing up. :) Wish I could come watch you ladies quilt. I have no idea how but I know it's an art. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Susie you would be a great addition to our group. We have ladies that started not know anything about quilting but wanting to learn. That's the fun of it, we love it and love to teach others and watch as they start creating loving gift for their families.

  12. My goodness, that is one impressive garden!

    1. Thanks, it's the growing between this month and next, that truly excites me :)

  13. Everything looks so beautiful, Connie. The veggies look amazing. Hope you had a nice day with your quilting friends. God bless you.♥

  14. Oh Connie.. that garden deserves (and should be) to be in a gardening magazine! even on the cover! It's amazing how it grew in just a few weeks! My flowers in planters are finally branching out too and getting thicker. I think where you live must be one of the best growing climates ever! You must water it ALOT and it looks so well tended and weed free! How do you do it all yourself? I'm in awe! Love the zinneas.. and those glories growing up the windmill are just stunning.. how fun to go outside and gaze at it every day (unless you are napping of course!). .... and then the canning season comes........ yikes........ and so happy you have your quilting group to have the comraderie with. It's so hot here too.. but at least not in the 100's! Hugs.. Marilyn
