Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A Day At The Fair


Starting at the chicken barn

aren't these birds beautiful.


It's so much fun 
watching the 4H kids
they are so proud 
of their animals

And rightfully so.

Longhorns are a favorite
for me 😊

Here's some faces
I spied, made from
plastic milk jugs.

And this one from
fruits and veggies.

Then there are the quilts!
I love this butterfly
design and the boarder
is very creative too.

This one is my
person favorite.
It reminds me of a 

This one is pretty
incredible . . .

Here a close up.
It was 103 degrees today
so I went in the morning
and was home by 
early afternoon . . . 
I can't take the heat
like I did when I was young.
Please excuse the photos . . .
they were all taken with my phone.
I've never none a direct 
phone post before.
Hope that you are enjoying 
your day.
God bless you all.
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)


  1. How fun. I haven't been to our local fair in a long time. I always enjoyed looking at the quilts. These are some nice ones. Love that butterfly. Those milk jug faces are pretty clever.

  2. I grew up on a farm and the annual fair was a big deal! Seeing all the animals, the produce, the things people made, and the tractor pulls!
    Seeing your photos brings it all back. Those are some beautiful quilts!

  3. I love going to the fair and haven't been in years. It was always something I looked forward to in NC. The quilts are all gorgeous. I tried to pick a fav but I just couldn't. I went back and looked again....but they are all so different and beautiful. The butterfly is amazing!

  4. Thank you for sharing Connie. I loved the Spokane County Fair. It was the best! Is this one in Moses Lake? It looks like that's what most of the ribbons say. The animals are wonderful and the little kids faces say it all. The chickens are just beautiful birds and the quilts render me speachless. I've made a few, but nothing as detailed as those. Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. All of those quilts are lovely! My favorite is the butterfly... it is just stunning! My grandmother was an amazing quilter but she wasn't very good with colors. I think it came from using whatever fabric she had on hand and not purchasing specific fabric for a specific quilt. All of her quilts were completely hand stitch... not one stitch from the sewing machine!

  6. Fairs can be a lot of fun. I used to love looking at all the animals, the handwork, the baking... so much to see. I can imagine how much inspiration a quilter like yourself can get from all those pretty ones!! I don't deal well with the heat either also don't like crowds very much. Thanks for sharing your pics. Granny Marigold

  7. All the fun of the fair! So nice to see the kids and their animals. And quilts too, particularly like the birdy quilt.

  8. I haven't been to a county or state fair in years. I love those quilts that you showed us, just beautiful. 103 degrees is way too hot. I wouldn't have lasted long outdoors either!

  9. Connie, I love seeing chicken of all kinds. Wow, quilters are absolutely artists. Glad you got out to have some fun. Blessings, xoxo, love you girl, Susie

  10. They were some good looking chickens.
    Beautiful quilts and the faces made out of milk jugs were pretty creative.
    Your pictures turned out great with your phone.
    ALL my photos are taken with my cell phone, don't have a regular camera!

  11. Hi Connie! Fun post! Loved the jug folks and the veggie man. Oh, and the animals, the chickens especially. But, the quilts are so pretty. I think I will need to make one of those, or at least do a test block. I'm glad you were able to get over there to the fair. It always seems like such an iconic summer thing to do, but my word, a fair in the middle of summer's heat where we live seems insane. So, I enjoyed your fair excursion. (smile) Stay well and stay cool! --Lindah

  12. Connie, that butterfly quilt is just amazing. Such a lot of work went into it.

  13. Wow that is hot, but nice you were able to go before while it was a little cooler. looks like there was.a lot to see, I especially enjoyed the quilts, beautiful creations. Does it have you excited to make your next quilt :)

  14. I love fairs, too. Last week, we visited our county fair for the first time since moving to our new state. I was surprised that quilts completely overwhelmed the number of knitted items.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  15. Hi there Connie, thank you for finding my blog and leaving such a nice comment! Your fair photos are great, wow those quilts are amazing, I wouldn’t have the patience to tackle those, the patterns and colours are so beautiful. But my favourite pics were the chickens, how fabulous were they?! I do love a country fair, they make me happy and I enjoyed seeing your day out.
    Hugs Lunch Lady Jan (LLJ) xx

  16. 4H fairs are so much fun! Your pictures are great! The excitement is so wonderful at these fairs, and such talent on display! The quilts are always amazing to see, so much incredible beauty! Blessings to you dear friend!

  17. Hi Connie... Thought I'm come by and see what you've been up to! I miss getting a notice when you post! But I check about once a week as I ask myself "how is Connie doing?"!!! You were brave to go to the fair in that heat! I missed this year's and last year's, and both times, it was around 108 and I just couldn't see myself walking around in that heat and going into the HOT barns! I know when I lived up in Waitsburg, WA, the country fair in Dayton was in October, which was perfect!
    Love the quilts! Each one is stunning.. loved the one with the tall flower blocks and the birds. The roosters are beautiful, and sad to see the kids so in love with their animals, knowing they will one day before food for the table.
    I entered the fair several times when I was younger, as a part of 4-H. The 4-H groups are wonderful for kids! I entered my hand knit sweaters, and also did an instruction one time on how to make a sack lunch and a sandwich and wrap it in saran wrap! That was so funny and I'll never forget it! Why would anyone want to see someone wrap a sandwich?
    Our weather is cooling down some now, which is so nice. Now the days are "only" 85 or so! Nights are getting down into the 40's, so may not be too long before there's a freeze. I had my first "harvest" of peaches the other day. Earwigs have bored into most of them, but I just cut out the areas and ate them anyway! So so sweet! Take care dear friend.. Marilyn

  18. What a great morning - loved your photos! That first one of the chicken is absolutely gorgeous :) xx

  19. Good morning Connie,
    This post brought back so many memories from when I was a youngster going to the Kentucky State Fair with my parents. It was in (the big city) Louisville and Moma would pack us a picnic lunch. Sooo much to see and sooo much fun.
    Blessings, Linda 💗
