Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Fading Away Of September


Even in the fading away

we can find beauty.



Summer is over.


The days are entering in 

with a chill . . .

but there is a re-newness

in each change of season.


A new beginning :) 




Time to get in some lovely

Autumn walks with your best friend . . .

before the walkways are icy and slick.


~~~ 🍂🍄🌰🍄🍂 ~~~

Have a lovely weekend,

God bless you all.


Beulah & Connie :)


  1. Hard to believe summer had ended already.
    Your photos are all beautiful.
    Happy Fall to you.

  2. Happy Autum to you, the seasons change at their own pace, dont they. It is Spring here, which sounds nicer than it is. Our Spring weather is generally rather tumultuous, wetl, chilly and windy, although Spring blossoms are out. Soon it will warm up, I hope.

  3. Hi there Connie! It looks as though there is lots of beauty left in your farmyard. I've heard through the grapevine that snow has already fallen on several passes up there. Yikes! I guess October is just around the corner though isn't it? Take care and enjoy those walks with your sweet Beulah. She's darling.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. This is always a welcome time of year.

  5. I'm kind of sad to see September go but I'm hopeful that October will still have days of sunshine before winter rains set in.
    Beulah's sweet face makes me smile. She must be a great companion on your walks.
    Granny Marigold

  6. You are so right! Thanks for sharing that beauty!

  7. Summer is fading here, too. My perennials are looking sad. Trees are changing colors and leaves are falling like mad. Our weather is warming up this weekend though and we'll actually be in the low 80's! I'm looking forward to this one last taste of summer weather.

  8. Beauty of the end of a season for sure. Yes we have to enjoy every moment of Autumn before the cold winds start blowing and we would rather be inside :) Enjoy those walks :)

  9. I think it is a wonderful blessing that God has given us beauty we can appreciate, whatever the season. Enjoy your day :)

  10. Yes, lots of walks! xoPomPom

  11. Love those flowers! They look just like the ones in my garden, including my favorite California poppy.

  12. Missed this post! I just came today to check to see if you'd posted since the Fair! Now I see 2 new ones. Oh how I wish Blogger would get "it" together and notify us loyal followers when someone posts. I know what you mean with beauty even when things are fading... there are always a few "hangers-on" that reveal their beauty until the last minute! Take care... Marilyn xoxoxox
