Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Snow Days Are Quilt Days


Some call it winter, 

Some call it quilting season. 

As the snow falls, 

The wind blows 

And the temperatures drop 

I'm inside working 

On some sewing projects. 

I just thought that I would 

share a couple photos. 

I hope you're having a sweet day. 

Remembering to put God first, 

because He certainly put us first 

when He sent His Son 

to die on the cross for us.


Have a lovely week


Keep smiling!


Your blogging sister,

Connie :)

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Come on in . . . 

Just a little tour
nothing too special.

These are Mug Rugs that

I made to place around

the living room.

Some little hearts
scattered around the house.

This little heart
is on Butchy's collar.
He is missed.
It's been hanging on my
bedpost ever since he pasted.

He was a sweetheart.


God Loves You
He is always near. 


Happy Valentine's Day
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)

Monday, February 10, 2025

Another DIY


Here I am again doing a DIY

and hunting through

Steve's scrap wood :)

I looked on Amazon for grow lights

to start seedlings.

I could purchase two lights

for $19.99


one light on a stand 

for $42.29

Can you believe that I was  

able to squirt enough paint

out of that same bottle

that I painted the cabinet with

to paint this stand :)


Well, my thrifty decision 

was to purchase two lights

and build a stand 

that holds both lights

instead of purchasing 

one that holds one light 

for twice the price. 

Now all I have to do 

is go to town and buy

some soil to fill 

my starter pots.

Seeds I already have.


It's suppose to get down to

9 degrees the next three days.

Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . .

that's stay inside weather :)


Can't believe I'm thinking

about spring planting

when it's this cold outside.

Stay warm dear friends,

Your blogging sister,

Connie :)