Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Monday, January 26, 2015

Give-A-Way #3 Winner

Good Morning Blogging Sisters
It is a lovely day!
I'm going to announce the third winner in my
Blogging Birthday Give-A-Way,
but before I do I thought that I would show you
some things that I have been working on.
I made this dishtowel,
 and these pot holders for a dear cousin.

Oh, I haven't done card making in so long,
but I made this card to go with the gift above for Susan.

I took down my Art Barn curtains & banner,
and tweaked them and put them back up this way.
I don't have a photo 
but I also moved my sewing machine to this window.  
Now I can see outside when I sew :)

This was an old Chinese checker game board.
I don't have a before photo,
but I painted it with crackle paint and then decoupaged it.
I had not played this game since I was a kid and had forgotten how.
So, when my friend Shirley was visiting, the other day, 
she showed me how and we played a couple games. 
I can't wait to play it with my granddaughters:)
Last, but not least, 
I painted these onto denim scraps 
saved from the legs of old jeans.
 made these . . .
and started piecing this quilt :)
Okay now it's time to announce the winner! 
of this
and this . . .

Congratulations Melanie of:
Comfy Home
If you visit her, 
I promise you will love her warm and friendly blog :)

Now, I'm off to help Steve.
We have a huge project going on, 
out in his shop this week.

Keep Smiling,
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)


  1. Congrats to Melanie! Connie, you are one busy gal! Love your creative endeavors!

  2. Wow you made such a beautiful quilted blanket! I love your creative work, it's so pretty. Congrats Connie to the winner of your blog anniversary giveaway. Thanks for all of the giveaways and again happy blogiversary. Have a wonderful day and week.

    1. Hi Julie, thank you so much. This quilt is going to be fun to make. I am planning on having my front porch in red, white and blue, so this will be a nice cool night cover-up :)

  3. Oh I love all you've been working on! Congrats to Melanie! She'll surely enjoy your generous gifts!

    1. Hi Christine, You are so sweet and thank you so much :)

  4. Love those apples and the chinese checkers board!!
    Congrats to Melanie!

    1. Thank you Kate! It is great to have you visit . . . I wish that there was a way of having tea and cake with all of my visitors :)
      Have a great day!

  5. You are so very talented when it comes to sewing...and the Chinese checker board...I haven't played it in many a year, either.
    Have a wonderful week, Connie.

    1. Hi Marigene, I know, it has been so long for me that I couldn't remember exactly how to play :)
      Thanks for stopping by and for your nice comment.

  6. You have been so busy...and I would love to have a row of windows like that in my playroom. Nice to have the sewing machine there, too. I suppose I should go make something now...I keep putting it off...

    1. Oh it is so easy to put off the fun stuff, to get the everyday chores done. Sometimes I think it's good to just let the laundry and cleaning go another day and just have fun :)

  7. I love the denim. Your creative workspace is awesome! It's great. Your quilt reminds me of a patchwork quilt an old friend's mother made for her. She kept all her daughter's pajamas when they were young girls and she made a quilt out of them. I thought it was one of the most precious things. Have a great week, Connie.

    1. Hi Denise, that is such a sweet idea and pajama fabric is so nice and soft.
      I'm half way through your book :)

    2. Congratulations to my daughter and valentine, Melanie.

  8. I am sooo excited to be your third winner, Connie! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this gorgeous banner, dishtowel, and pot holder. I have always admired your handiwork and creativity so will be such an honor to have these beautiful things in my home. Your craftroom with all those windows is so pretty. I can see why you'd be inspired in there. I haven't made any cards in a long time, too. I'm hoping to get together soon with my mom and aunt and we'll all work on this! Thank you, again, Connie. xoxo

    1. Melanie, it is my pleasure and I am so very happy that you like them :)

  9. congratulations to Melanie. You've been very busy. I like how you changed your windows with the curtains and banner. The new way looks great. That Chinese checker board is awesome. I love how you painted it. I don't think I could remember how to play that game either but we used to play it all the time

    1. Hi Ann. I knew that it had to be easy to play because I played it as a kid, but if you don't do something for say, 50 years, it's hard to remember how :) There is a strategy to playing, because the two games that I played with my friend . . . I lost them both, LOL.

  10. Congrat's to the winner! I'm was SO hoping that my name would be picked! Your blue and white curtains and banner are so pretty. I haven't played chinese checkers ever...
    Thank you for having the giveaway.

    1. HI Deb, I plan on having a few give-a-ways during the year, so keep checking back. I probably will do it again in the spring. I was just thinking about spring the other day when I remembered that I put out tulip blubs last fall . . . they should start popping their little heads through the ground sometime next month :) I'm totally ready for warm sunny days. How about you?

  11. Hi Connie, Congrats to the winner of your lovely giveaway. She will love it. Your window change is so pretty. I love how you have the banner across the windows too.
    How special what your did with the Chinese checker board. I remember this from a little girl but can't remember how to play.All your projects are beautiful. You have been very busy. What a talent you are.
    Have a blessed week.

    1. You always leave the sweetest comments.
      Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement.
      Here's wishing you a beautiful day :)

  12. I really like your new make over of the curtains and banner! The dish towel for your cousin is so pretty. Lucky cousin! You sure seem to get a lot done! Nancy P.S. Did my little gift to you arrive?

    1. Hi Nancy, last evening just before coming in to fix dinner, I ran out to the mailbox. What a lovely surprise! Thank you . . . it will be perfect to set my morning coffee on when I'm at the computer:) I'll take a photo and put it on my next post with a link back to your blog.
      You are so sweet . . . I love it, you do beautiful work :)

  13. You are so creative!! I love everything you have posted here. Oh, Congratulations to your winner!

    1. Good Morning Kathy, Thank you so much, you're a sweetie pie :)

  14. Replies
    1. Hi Kristina, thanks for stopping by . . . and have a lovely day :)

  15. Oh Connie, Susan will be thrilled with her beautiful gifts, I love how we can personalize our gifts :) Your blue theme in your room is wonderful, would love all those windows in my craft room, the quilt your working on looks fantastic, I really want to work on a hexagon quilt myself.

    1. Hi Connie, Oh, I love hexagon quilts, too. I would love to make a quilt with them covering every inch, but it would certainly take some time. When I go to quilt shows they are the ones that stand out to me. Them and yo-yo quilts. Thank you for your sweet words of praise . . . truly my work is so far from perfect but I have fun and that's what matters :) Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful day:)

  16. Boy Connie, you are one creative lady. Love your sewing area.

    1. Thanks Becky, it's a great place to sew, I truly enjoy it :)

  17. Oh, I just love your quilt! Hexagons are something that I would love to try this year. My father LOVES lighthouses. He grew up in New England - and had his own boat as a child, instead of a bike. He would love anything with lighthouses on it.

    1. Hi Patti, well the lighthouse on my quilt was very easy to do. I bought the seaside stencils at JoAnnes for, I think $3, and just painted them onto the fabric.

  18. Congratulations Melanie...I love that you stopped in the middle of the day to play chinese checkers...I am trying to remember how! Love your sewing room and your quilt...Wow are you talented


    1. Hi Carol, it's a simple game that we all played as children . . . then I guess it just disappeared from the scene as Candy Land and Cootie Bug came along. Now children play by themselves with computer and video games. It's a shame because I think that board games are a great way to teach social skills. Children learn conversation skills, taking turns and how to loose and win graciously. I am planning on using this quilt out on my front porch. I was at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago and found an adorable red, white and blue birdhouse that will look nice out there too. I hope that you are having a great day and by the way . . . Great Poster for your Polka Dot Flea :)

  19. Hi Connie! I am popping in from Life On Willie Mae Lane. I have been looking around your blog for a while and just love your bright and colorful decor! You make such lovely things. Your quilt above is amazing. Your kitchen is so the blue! I look forward to visiting often. Have a blessed rest of the week!

    1. Hi Vicky, thank you so much for following my blog. My husband and I just bought this little country house last spring. It was a major fixer upper, but we have been plugging along and working on it one project at a time. It has always been my dream to have a place where I could have a garden and a little room to spread my wings. We have just a bit over an acre and to us that is huge. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through blogging . . . there are a lot of years that separate our ages, but I think that we might just have kindred spirits. I'm so happy to meet you.

  20. Hi Connie! Your dish towels and potholders are exquisite! I would only put them out for show and never use them! I have been trying to get into your blog for several days, and finally succeeded! Your art barn curtains and banner are gorgeous!! And so is your card. You always make wonderful things. I love the little chicken pincushion, and I bet you made that as well. You have an amazing and creative talent.

    1. Hi Ginny, You are always so very kind when you stop by...thanks so much. You have no idea how your sweet words always move my heart :) Yes I did make the chicken pincushions. I wonder why it was hard for you to get onto my blog. Oh well, sometimes the internet can be a bit stubborn I guess. Here's wishing you a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for popping in to say hi :)

  21. I love your blog Connie. You are very creative! The quilt will become so happy and joyful. Great idea to mix the denim pieces, the hexies, great colours!

    1. Thank Ada, and thank you for popping in for a visit :)

  22. Hi Connie, I've been a little absent lately in commenting on some of my favorite blogs......Your craft room is so adorable! I love the colors and it's always so cheerful! I like your idea of moving your sewing machine to a window view....there is something about a window view that makes working/playing more enjoyable! You are too sweet for all those give-a-ways......I didn't sign up for the giveaway because I already have something precious from you! I'd rather give another person more of a chance! Hope your winter isn't too bad......Our Winter has been on the mild side some of the time but it's cold now and a storm is coming through Sunday night......Your SWEET comments always lift my heart....LOVE my claw tub!! Stay warm~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

    1. Hi Roxie, it is great hearing from you. Your tub is so pretty. I saved the tub in this house . . . scrubbed and scrubbed, even the realtor didn't think that I would ever get it clean. Well, about a month ago I used a new cleaner on it and because the enamel is so worn and thin, the rust stains all came back. So, this summer I am going to resurface it. It takes a couple days to cure and lots of ventilation so summer is our best choice. We only have one bathroom, so, we will either use the neighbor's shower those two days, or turn our red-neck hot tub into a red neck bubble bath, LOL. We have had a very mild winter. Two snows, one that melted the next day and one that only stay around for a couple of days. Once our temperatures got down enough to freeze our pipes (that was scary) but then started running in a couple of hours with no damage and now we let them drip when it's gets that cold:) Living in the country does have a different learning curve . . . we have always been on city water, now we have a well and we have never had a septic tank before . . . all new things to learn and experience. We still choose the country life . . . and love this new little home more and more every day :)

  23. Hello Connie! So glad to meet you, you have a pretty lovely corner here with beautiful photos and interesting crafts! Such talented you are!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, for our lovely compliments and for following my are a sweetie :)

  24. you're blog is so pretty and cheerful! you seem to be one talented lady! thanks for stopping by my blog, me and my critters appreciate it! so happy to follow you back. :)
    hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Marie, I am doing by happy dance, thank you for your sweet visit and for following me back. I'm looking forward to a lovely blogging friendship :)

  25. Hi Connie! I love your updated banner placement. What a great window for your sewing machine. I think you have definitely found your knack. Your sewing skills are great! Are those fabric bowls or squares for a quilt?
    I remember when Mt. Saint Helens erupted. I bet your bird friend loved that worm. My day out was so fun. Thank you for stopping by!!
    Hugs. Kay

    1. Hi Kay, they are flowers made from hexies. I am adding some to this quilt, but made more than I needed so I will use the others on another quilt or maybe a cover for one off my porch cushions :) I want to do my porch up in red, white and blue. I always enjoy your road trips; you take such wonderful photos :)

  26. I'm sorry I missed your birthday, Connie!
    I hope you had a happy one.
    You've sure been busy making lots of neat stuff.
    Congrats to your winner!

    1. Three years of blogging . . . it's hard to believe. When say that time flies when you're having fun . . . so true :)

  27. Thanks for coming to visit! I am so glad to meet you! You certainly are the crafty cottage - how do you find time for all these wonderful activities? I love the chinese checker board, your gorgeous quilt and flower garden blocks, and all your other adorable treats. I will be following to see what else you are up to!

    1. Hi Merry, it is an honor having you as a follower, thank you so much :)

  28. Hi Connie,
    I like your cheerful decorating style!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  29. Hello Connie,

    The pot holders for your cousin are gorgeous! The stitched detail on the apples and the quilting around the borders all add up to give them a real late 1950s to early 1960s look. I'm really looking forward to seeing you join in a link up at Free Motion Mavericks.

    Dish towels? We call them tea towels - but we would, wouldn't we.

    Love from England, Muv

    1. Good Morning Muv, As I sit here drinking my morning coffee, I think of you sipping tea. Thank you for the lovely things you said about my stitching and thank you for inviting be to your blog party. I have never join one, just because it's a new thing and I don't want to do it wrong and mess up my blog or anyone else's blog. I guess that it must not be to complicated or everyone wouldn't be doing it. I'll be over to check it out , thank you :)

  30. Hey there Connie! You have a lot going on! So many beautiful projects! My daughters love anchors. They would love that stencil. Your curtains look good the way you changed them up and I love the chinese checker board. So pretty. I hope you have an awesome week! I hope we get to see the big project going on at the shop. And I wanted to say that I love your header. Did you make it yourself? I should do something similar on my blog.

    1. I did make my own header. I made it with the collage feature on Picasa 3. If you don't use it, it is a free download and a great place to store photos. I'm up early this morning . . . Monday is by biggest cleaning day of the week, but I hope to have time to get out to my barn and get some sewing done today :) Keep smiling and have a wonderful week:)

  31. I love the new way you hung the curtains: you can still see them, which is great because they are beautiful, but you can also see outside. I'm very happy for Melanie, whose blog I love!

  32. Thanks Connie for your kind words. I love your quilt with the nautical theme. Sarah x

    1. Thank you so much. I hope to get it done this week.

  33. Hello there! What a sweet and precious blog you have. Thank you so much for coming over to my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I went to one of your other blogs and left a comment there too. I took my follower button off my blog a long time ago, maybe you could add my blog to your side bar? I added you to mine and will be visiting when I get on my blog through out the week.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!


  34. you've been so busy! susan's towel is so cute, connie! love the curtains--gotta be able to see outside, right?! your newest quilt is looking great!

    1. Thank you so much, I wanted to work on it yesterday, but the day got away from me . . . so today I'm hoping to do a little quilting :)
      I'm enjoying having a view while I sew. It is sweet of you to stop by and say good morning :)

  35. Your curtains and banner look so cute. I just found your blog. What a busy lady you are. You make so many pretty things.

    1. Hello Nikki, and thank you so much. I love getting visitors and making new friends. Do visit again . . . my welcome mat is always out :)
