Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

My Latest Treasure



I thought that I would 

share this gorgeous 

pitcher with you,

I received it in a

White Elephant gift exchange. 

The sweet lady that brought it 

was so apologetic.  

She said she felt bad because she didn't 

buy something for the gift exchange, 

instead she was downsizing 

and took something that she was 

going to get rid of anyway. 

Just shows 

one man's junk 

is another man's treasure. 

I absolutely love it!

Happy New Year,

Your blogging sister,

Connie ☺️


  1. Oh wow, that's gorgeous. That's the best white elephant gift I've ever seen.

  2. What a treasure Connie. It just looks lovely with your other beautiful pieces.

    1. It truly goes with my blue and white theme . . . love it!

  3. The Jug is a beauty- Happy New Year Connie. Best Wishes. KEV.

  4. 🕯️Happy New Year Connie!
    The pitcher is so pretty, and such a thoughtful gift.
    Blessings, Linda 💗

    1. I hope that some day when I down size my old things will go to someone who will love them, too :)

  5. Connie, I love this post. The pitcher is a beauty indeed. I need to see more GOOD news like this. 😊 Thank you for sharing. John

    1. Happy New Year, John. I'm looking forward to visiting Seattle through your eyes and camera lens in 2025

  6. What a beautiful white elephant gift. I thought the idea of a white elephant was to give something you no longer wanted. The pitcher is beautiful and fits on your shelf perfectly. Happy New Year Connie.

    1. It is, this is one she no longer wanted . . . but I will treasure :)

  7. Hi Connie,
    Thanks for visiting me at Harvest Lane Cottage. My list is long, and I never finish a list, but they keep me motivated and give me ideas when I need to get myself out of a rut or stinkin' thinkin' that can set in during the winter.

    Window shopping with my little dog is going downtown to the square and simply walking around, stopping and looking in windows, and being calm around other people. She's a high strung little thing. I'm going to work on it a bit this winter when it's warm enough. She's a Dachsund mix and doesn't last long in the cold. ~smile~

    As to your white elephant gift, it's perfect. It fits right in with your collection. I always thought a white elephant gift was something you brought from home. We've had many an exchange over the years. The funniest was the electric rock my friend got. It was a rock just a bit smaller than a loaf of sweet bread. It had a thick electrical cord taped on it with electrical tape. The funny part was that the giver (never found out who) wrote out the instructions for usage and cautions just like on any electrical appliance. She read them aloud, and we all busted up laughing.

    Have a wonderful new year. Your blog is new to me. I like to repurpose and upcycle things, too. Years of living on the frugal side of life has made it a necessity and a challenge.

    Be blessed and creative,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    P.S. I just signed up to follow you.

    1. Welcome it's wonderful to have a new follower, I've been following you for quite a while but have to confess I haven't visited for sometime. It is my lose, because your blog is wonderful :)

  8. Oh I love that pitcher too-and it really does set off your display-- Happy New Year--hugs, di

    1. It's so pretty; I am imagining it filled with a bouquet of lilacs this spring :)

  9. That's beautiful! Bonus is that it fits in well with your other pieces.

  10. Well, I can't think of a better gift than something that has already been well loved. It is a very pretty piece.

    Grace & Peace,

  11. That is a beautiful pitcher - much nicer than anything new!

  12. Absolutely lovely!!!! You're so person's "trash" is another's treasure. Not that the pitcher could ever be called trash.

  13. That has to be the best white elephant gift I've ever seen! You really "lucked up" as they say!! I'm glad no one else tried to take it from you. Do you play that game, where the next person can select a gift already opened or get one that isn't opened yet, and if he takes your gift that you opened, then you get to go get another gift? We play it that way, and the really good gifts really make the rounds before the game is over and everything is opened. You really got the prize, I'd say! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks for sharing it with us. I'd be thrilled with that too!

    1. That is the way we played it and I drew number one, which meant at the end of the game I could steal anyone's gift. Well we know how that went. I've never been fortunate enough to draw number one must have been meant to be.

  14. What a treasure! Agreed, what some treasure, others discard. I love where you placed it, and the shelf is beautiful too! Happy New Year to you!

    1. Thank you so much, my Steve built that shelf for me :)

  15. I'm not sure if my comment was published or if I didn't press the right place but I did want to say how lovely that blue pitcher is.
    I love the design.

    1. Thank you, I think so too and it goes so well in my house :)

  16. Oh my! I know you are like would much rather have that than something new! It's gorgeous! Happy new year, Diane

  17. Beautiful gift, I think those are the best kind because you bless someone else and keep it from possibly going in a land fill!

  18. It's so true! All the new brides want white dishes, but I hope someday they will want beautiful things like your pitcher!

  19. That pitcher is amazing, Connie! Absolutely gorgeous! And it looks so great displayed with all your other pretty objects. Happy New Year, my friend!♥

  20. How pretty. That's a gift i would love to receive. My youngest son called just before Christmas to ask what a white elephant gift would be. He and his friends have an annual Christmas gathering and he needed to get something ... of course, he waits til the last minute.

  21. Hello Connie , now that's a beautiful gift the pitcher is amazing! I hope you are well and safe, hugs to you.

  22. That is one gorgeous pitcher! What luck to be the final receiver! I also love that tall skinny shelf that you have it showcased on. I bet Steve built it! I would love one like that in my kitchen. Sounds like you are starting out this year very busy!!!! Hugs....Marilyn
