Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Flowers & Goodwill Finds


Today my friend and I 

planted these flowers 

out by my front door. 

She had given me them as 

a thank you for helping her 

make the quilt for her great grandson.

 The stepping stone in front

 of them is from 2008 

and has footprints of 

my granddaughters when they were 

little girls. 

It's a treasure.

I went to Home Depot 

this morning to buy some things 

for my drip lines and while 

I was in town I stopped off at 

the Goodwill. 

I haven't been there 

in a very long time. 

I scored these two metal canisters 

for dog treats, 

aren't they adorable? 

Then I saw these two dark blue coffee 

cups and this pretty aqua bottle. 

I love putting bottles 

in my windows with just one or two 

little flowers in them.

This wreath looks like lavender
but it is actually plastic.
I like these kinds of artificial flowers
because they look like new
after a few minutes in warm soapy water.


Next is my chicken wire holder 

with three mason jars. 

I think it will be beautiful 

with flowers in it 

this summer. 

Well that's my treasures. 

I spent $20.50 for everything. 

didn't need a single thing 

but when does that stop us 

when it's a bargain, right! 

All of you ladies know what 

that's all about. 💕

Have a sweet day 


God bless you.


You're blogging sister, 

Connie :)

P.S. I did this post on my phone,

and sometimes the fonts are

impossible to fix.

My phone has a mind of it's own 😖


  1. That was quite a haul at Goodwill. Sometimes we just need some things we don't need to brighten our day!

  2. I know it's nice to decorate with a few new items😊

  3. I love the stepping stone with your granddaughters footprints. It's a treasure.
    You did good at the Goodwill, such cute stuff.

    1. I love that stone too ... A little bit of their toddler age

  4. Pretty flowers from your friend. My favorites are the hyacinth. You found some good treasures at Goodwill. I think it was $20 well spent if it brings a little joy to your life.

    1. I was so surprised at the fragrance of the Hyacinth, absolutely beautiful.

  5. Very good bargain finds! Make sure you dont dip into the dog treats by mistake!

  6. Didn't you do well with finding those treasures!

    1. I thought so even though I didn't need any of it, it's still fun. And always great when you find it at bargain prices.
