Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Oh Happy Day!

 Oh Happy Day!



Just in case your Valentine's Day 

needs a reminder of how much you are




God Bless You

Your blogging sister,

Connie :)


  1. Happy Valentines Day Connie - from another daughter of the King!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, Connie. We had a normal day at home as we don't go out unless necessary. I hope you had a nice day.

  3. Hey Connie, a great reminder thank you. I found this quote today and thought I would share it.'May no gift be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love' L.O. Baird

  4. How beautiful and true...True love! Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Thanks for the reminder Connie. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  6. Amen Connie! God loves us and we are His daughters.
    Happy Valentines Day!

  7. Happy Valentine's Day, Connie. You are loved with an everlasting love!

  8. Valentine's blessings to you, dear friend.

  9. Happy Valentine's Day Connie. It is a wonderful to be a daughter of the King when we are hurting and all the time. God bless you. Nancy

  10. Happy belated Valentine's Day, Connie, and thank you for sharing this beautiful poster which made me go "Ohhhh..." I love it! Definitely one to save and share.

    May the Lord bless you!
    Princess Shoshi! x

  11. Hi Connie! After reading your Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021, post, A New Year Filled with Puppy Dogs, I left a comment, but it may have gotten lost in the world wide web. :-) Here is what I said then, "Hi Connie, Stopping by Crafty Home Cottage is always an inspiration for me. Thank you, my Eastern Washington friend. Your cooking is just amazing. During Covid I started making my own bread. Thought about you and figured you had been doing that all along. Your new puppy looks like a bundle of joy. Lots of love to be shared there. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words about God's love. Kind regards and best wishes from Seattle. John" I just wanted to make sure you got that comment. :-) Now, your Feb 10 post ... your quilts are wonderful! Your grandkids are so lucky! And, re your upcoming cataract surgery ... I also had surgery in both eyes, done weeks apart. Both turned out great. Prayers for you, for sure! Lastly, this post is the perfect Valentine's Day post! Blessings to you Connie. Thank you, as always, for sharing. John

  12. Connie, I needed to hear that today! Thank you! Yes He is my Father and that always wraps me in a cloak of warmth, especially when I'm feeling low. I thought of you and your Steve yesterday and how much love you had for each other. Blessings and big hugs I'm sending your way! xoxoxo Marilyn

  13. A little late, but Happy Valentine's Day.

  14. A very good reminder, hugs to you!!!

  15. Hi Connie, I'm sorry your comment got blocked on my blog. I have to keep an eye on my spam checker which is over-zealous to say the least! - and it was there. I've unblocked you now and there shouldn't be any further problems.

    Shoshi x

  16. Thank you for the gentle reminder, Connie. This is lovely.

