Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Winter Quilting



Hi there Blogging Friends!

I'm still hand quilting 

on the quilt that I showed you

 in my last post, 

but what quilter can only have 

one quilt going at a time?


This is one I started a week 

and a half ago. 



 I'll show more as this quilt progresses.



The colors in this one are so 

soft and dreamy.



They make me think of 

the tales of Beatrix Potter

and her famed Peter Rabbit.

I woke up this morning

so very glad to be alive.

Another day to abide with my King,

another day to get into His word.

I am a blessed woman.

I have no troubles that my heavenly Father

can not see me through.



I can always find shelter in 

His perfect love.



God bless you all.

Have a beautiful day

and thank you for stopping by.


Your blogging sister,

Connie :)



  1. Beautiful as always! Happy New Year, dear one!

    Grace & Peace,

  2. That truly is a lovely quilt, Connie! I also love the soft colors and flowers and delicate prints. It is very feminine and comforting. Can't wait to see it completed! You have such a gift for that! Thank you for your thoughtful words. God is so good to us, and we are truly blessed to be His children. I pray you have a blessed and wonderful New Year!

  3. That quilt is so beautiful! I love the colors too. Your testimony is even better! :)

  4. You're right! I could just see that new quilt on an old-fashioned bed in Peter Rabbit's cottage :)
    May God bless you this 2024 and grant you a wonderful year xx

  5. I was just thinking how delicate the new quilt colors are and how they reminded me of Beatrix Potter and then I kept reading your words! Great minds think alike. Isn't it wonderful to know that in the midst of this crazy world, we can still be content and "still" in His love for us? God is SO good to His children. Peace is a lovely thing. That doesn't mean we aren't concerned about the state of the world but we know that He is in control and our final destination.
    Blessings and love to you my dear sister.

  6. The fabrics are so pretty in this quilt, Connie. I’ve visited Hill Top, Beatrix Potter’s beautiful cottage in the Lake District and your quilt would look perfect there. xx

  7. The quilt is beautiful. You do such nice work.

  8. So lovely Connie. The fabrics are dainty and delicate and the whole quilt will be a comfort. You are a busy lady!

  9. Hello Connie! Your work is beautiful! Have a cozy afternoon, and Happy New Year!

  10. You have made so many quilts are all are beautiful. Any idea how many you've made over the years?

  11. Soft and dreamy- I like the sound of that!

  12. I love your new quilt! The colors are just my style... pink and green and some blues... sigh.. so pretty. The sashing is so pretty too.. is it a quilt as you go or sashing that you'll quilt with the entire quilt? How fun to have another new quilt going! Your words of faith are so inspiring to me... I need that faith right now! I have 2 quilts in the works.. one I started almost 20 years ago.. it's all pastels and is a school house blocks quilt. It's a king but maybe I can make it smaller as I plan to get a new double bed.. paring down from my king bed. Just means less blocks to make. I also have a butterfly block quilt that has been sitting for 18 years... I won the blocks at a quilt retreat and each one was signed by the maker.. so precious to me as there is a block from my sister and one from my aunt (who has passed). I started putting the blocks together last summer but that's as far as I got. I would love to finish those two! And start on a new one to match my new bedroom colors (which I don't even know yet what they'll be!)... It's always good to have new projects to look forward to! Hugs to you.. Marilyn

  13. I love the fabrics you've chosen for this quilt especially the blue with flowers ( roses?) on it. It brings to mind a dress I had when I was a little girl. My Mom sewed all my dresses and I never had to wear hand-me-downs because I was the only girl for more than 10 years. Have a wonderful January. I think you must be as anxious for Spring and puttering outside as I am 💓💚💓.

  14. I love the dreamy colours in your new quilt. And thank you for the fun poem on my blog about the teapot that doesn't drip! So important!

  15. Amen, so thankful for his lifting us up! Your new quilt is gorgeous, just my colors, I love how you are adding different strips together to make the border around the squares, great idea!
    Happy New Year!

  16. Connie such gorgeous patches. Yes they do make one think of Beatrix Potter. Looks like you are off to a lovely start of the New Year. Your posts always are so encouraging and filled with the Love of the Lord Jesus. Thank you for your faithful sharing. Hugs!

  17. I love the soft colors...what I call Shabby chic. I never learned to quilt but I sure appreciate the time and effort that goes into them. You have the skill of putting together colors and designs too! Happy new year sweet friend!

  18. love the use of scraps, Connie. great idea.

  19. Your quilts are absolutely amazing Connie! I just love the dreamy colors, LOVE! It's true, we have so much to be thankful for. I'm glad that the Lord has been taking care of you and all your needs! It is wonderful to have that hope in HIM! Many blessings to you!

  20. You have some beautiful fabrics in your quilt! Love the roses. Enjoy!

  21. Love your blog! I like to quilt, as well. Adding you to my Quilting blogroll!
