Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Sick & Tired Birthday


I've been under the weather,
with soar throat and congestion,
but much better now :)

Just before getting sick I spent
three days rototilling 
this patch of yard,
putting in bark and planting
grass seed. 

It's under my clothesline
and I truly wanted 
grass and not dirt.  

While I was sick I also celebrated
another birthday . . .
One sweet friend dropped off this 
tea on my doorstep . . .
I've got such sweet friends :)

Then because I was feeling sad,
sick and lonely 
on my birthday I decided to 
buy myself a gift.
Good old Amazon!

It works wonderfully.
I made myself the perfect
soft boiled eggs.
It even played a little 
tune when they were done :)

Of course I wasn't alone,

I had my faithful friend

always by my side.

Then birthday gifts

and cards started 

showing up on my

doorstep . . .

I love this little framed 

cross stitch

made by a very dear friend.

And this sweet pillow 

for my bedroom.

A lovely reminder of how

awesome a God we serve.

Now look at this amazing

wall hanging quilt.

This sweet friend is a perfectionist

and she is always worrying about 

every little stitch in her work,

and I am always telling her

that perfection steals 

the joy of creating.

Her quilts (and everything she 

makes) are amazing.

This is such a personal gift

and made will so much love πŸ’• 


Another friend made me these.

One is her homemade zucchini relish

and the other is a homemade elderberry

couch syrup. 

Now, how caring is that.

I'll tell you I am blessed with 

truly amazing friends. 


Well, if you are still 
reading  . . . thanks 
for sticking it out.
I know it was a long post.

God bless you all
and have a lovely week.

Your blogging sister,
Connie :)


  1. Oh Connie, so sorry you have been down, and hope you are beginning to feel better now. There is nothing as good as a boiled egg when you arent feeling too well. Take care of yourself, you have some lovely friends who are looking after you. If I was near, I would pop in with flowers!

    1. You are so sweet, and I know that you would do that :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon, Connie. What lovely birthday surprises you received♥ Stay well!

  3. I'm sorry you were sick and glad you're on the mend. Belated birthday blessings!! I'm glad you have lovely friends around you. Also nice that you got yourself a treat. I've never been that fond of eggs but for someone who is that is a good little appliance.
    Elderberry cough syrup is something a good friend of mine uses and says it really helps. Let's hope you won't need it though. Do take care and give Beulah a hug. πŸ’—

    1. I'm feeling so much better, but I do have a dry cough, so I am very grateful for her making me some her homemade cough syrup. I am blessed with thoughtful friends πŸ₯°

  4. Happy belated birthday. You sure got some nice and thoughtful gifts. Nice that you bought one for yourself too. We need to do that.

    1. I have left water boiling on the stove when making eggs, this solves that problem. Plus they turn out perfectπŸ‘©‍🍳

  5. So sorry to hear you've not been well - I hope you are feeling much better now. And a happy belated birthday greeting as well!
    How wonderful to have so many sweet friends. Friends and close family truly are such a blessing to have, especially as we grow older :) xx

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes and yes, I am truly blessed in the friend department :)

  6. Happy Birthday Connie, it's such a shame to be unwell on your special day. I'm pleased you are feeling better. What wonderful caring friends you have.

  7. Sure sorry to hear you've been sick but glad you're feeling better now. Happy Belated Birthday. You got some lovely gifts.
    Have you thought about putting gravel under your clothes line. That worked great for me. Now my clothes line is built right into the deck out back!!

    1. That sounds good, but my grass is already coming up. While I was sick I still had to go out 2 or 3 times a day and turn the sprinkler on the grass seed. The way it is growing, I'll be moving it in a couple more weeks :)

  8. Happy Late Birthday Connie! I'm sorry you were sick for your birthday. You have some kind and talented friends that made you some beautiful gifts. How sweet of them to make you such personal things.

    1. I am truly blessed, the Lord has bought some lovely people into my life (not because they give amazing gift) but because their love is gift a plenty :) Thank you for the birthday wishes :)

  9. Happy Birthday Connie. Hope you're feeling much better now. What sweet gifts from your friends. Hope your grass comes up thick and green. With your green thumb I am sure it will. You have such a good spot for a clothesline. Dan promised me last week that he would put me up another line. Ours is the kind that runs from tree to tree and right now it is hanging near the edge of the woods and the ground is covered in old leaves, sticks, and pine straw. I am scared to death of stepping on a copperhead. You take care. Love, Melba

    1. Oh my goodness, snakes of any kind are my enemy, but ones like copperheads and rattlers are the worst. You need to go down to your garden and get your pitchfork and point it at that man of yours and say "Buster I need a safe clothesline, so put it at the top of your list, fella". He would probably love doing that for you, if he realized your fear. Men don't think the same way we do, and sometimes they need a little push . . . of course while he's out there doing that, you need to be inside baking him his favorite pie πŸ₯§ Isn't love wonderful ❤️

  10. Oh Connie.. so sorry you were sick! And I missed your birthday! Darn it... I need to write down the date, that's for sure, so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! another year gone... how wonderful to have experienced life for another year! Mine was in June and I admit, I got a little down in the dumps as was alone and no one lived near to wish me a happy day (my son was, but they were out of town)..... so I think I bought myself a gift too! I love your little Dash egg boiler.. I used to have one you put in the microwave which worked great, and don't know why I got rid of it. I used it for awhile as it was a new toy, but eventually quit using it. I have two Dash items.. a very mini toaster oven for my Van, and a little sandwich/egg/pancake maker. Love them both. I just found out my small air fryer does hard boiled (or soft boiled) eggs perfectly! My stove quit working and I wanted some eggs, so looked up online if I could cook eggs in them, and they said yes! So 15 minutes at 360 degrees for 4, and they came out just right. For softer eggs, I can cook it for less time. So who needs a stove anyway? ha ha... only for baking.. but I did make some blackberry crisp in my crockpot! Anyway...... I just happened to come look today to see if you had posted. I was going to post again, but all my photos are on my phone, so didn't want to get into it tonight.... and then tomorrow I'll get distracted for sure. You definitely have lovely friends who live near.. what a Blessing! The gifts and well wishes were so thoughtful. And you probably got sick because you did all that work in your yard! Hugs.. Marilyn

    1. Hi Marilyn, it is always a pleasure to have you stop by. Sorry about your stove.
      I have been enjoying watching you feather your new nest especially how you're fixing up your lawn space.
      Keep enjoying life and getting out and exploring your new surroundings . . . take lots of photos I love tagging along on your adventures with you through your lovely blog :)

  11. Connie I am glad to read that you are on the mend. Wishing you a belated birthday wish - such lovely caring gifts had to give your heart joy. Take care and continue to get well. Hugs!

  12. Happy belated birthday, dear Connie! I'm so sorry to hear you were sick on your special day. You sure do have some loving friends who brought you wonderful gifts.

    1. Everything they do is personal and full of love. I have been blessed with wonderful friends. God is good!

  13. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, I am glad that your friends showed up and celebrated your day with all these wonderful gifts!
    The song on that pillow we sang at prayer night this past Wednesday night with just our pastor playing the guitar :)
    Glad to hear you are feeling better, and wish you good luck with growing the grass.

    1. You're so sweet, thank you and God bless you.

  14. Hi Connie,, I am just getting back into the 'world of Blogging'... ..and saw you have been under the weather, especially for your Birthday.. Happy hug filled (belated) Birthday..
    Enjoy your lovely Tea and take care of yourself.
    Birthday hugz...
